Your Mission
• Business Standards & Procedures
• Ul t imate respons ibi l i t y for the development and ongoi ng improvement of accommodat ion standards ( i nc l udi ng pol i c ies , procedures , and gu idance) to compl y wi th statutor y and legal requ i rements . • Developi ng and improv i ng new and ex i st i ng procedures , suppor t i ng Operat ions , IT serv i ces and relevant depar tments • Dr i v i ng a cons i stent serv i ce and ensure excel lent student exper ience.
• Training and Support to Site Staff
• Suppor t i ng ongoi ng i nduct ion , t rai n i ng , and competency of al l staf f wi th i n Novel Student , by ident i f y i ng and creat i ng new t rai n i ng and programmes . Th i s wi l l i nc l ude compl iance i n heal th & safet y and accommodat ion standards . • Trai n i ng s i te teams on proper t y management systems , i nc l udi ng the move to Yardi • Trai n i ng and mot i vat i ng an on-s i te team, mai ntai n i ng h igh employee morale, and leadi ng by example.
• Health & Safety and Compliance
• Mon i tor i ng compl iance to accommodat ion standards , i n con j unct ion wi th the Regional Manager. • Act as the operat ions safet y of f i cer and conduct commi t tee meet i ng wi th key members of the Operat ions Leadersh ip team. • Mai ntai n Heal th & Safet y knowledge and of fer adv i ce and gu idance to the operat ions teams . • Manage the accommodat ion depar tment r i sk regi ster. • To develop a robust cr i t i cal i nc ident pol i cy and s i te emergency procedures , i n con j unct ion wi th the Operat ions Leadersh ip team. • Prov idi ng repor ts to the Operat ions Leadersh ip team on Heal th & Safet y per formance and compl iance.
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