King's Business - 1932-09

September 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


A sk a b ou t the K . B. W o rld -W id e Sub­ scrip tio n C am paign , an d u se y o u r sp are tim e p rofita b ly . M. J. W h ite o f L os A n ­ g e le s has sold 136 su b scrip tio n s in th e p ast m on th . A d dress th e C ircu la tion M anager.

teach that citizens should meet their obli­ gations to the government (Matt. 22:21)? What other apostle agrees with Paul in urging submission to the government (1 Pet. 2:13, 14)? What would you say are the underlying causes of prevalent law­ lessness ? Gal. 6:7-10. What is the subject under discussion in this section? Discuss the im­ portance of individual responsibility, es­ pecially as it relates to the Christian. Laws for Me to Keep R o m a n s 13:1-7 Memory Verse: “Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise” (Rom. 13:3). Approach: In our stories, Paul has been reminding people how to live in their homes so that their homes will be pleasing to God. First he says that they must be

they need be afraid only if they are doing evil things. He says, “Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same.” Then Paul tells the people another thing. He says, “ Obey laws not only because you are afraid o f being punished for breaking them, but because you know inside of you, in your conscience, that it is the right thing to do.” Then he tells them another thing. He ' says that living is just like putting seeds in the ground. Whatever kind of seed a per­ son plants, that is the kind that will grow. And just so, whatever kind o f deeds a per­ son does, according to those deeds will he reap good or evil. Sometimes people forget this, but God doesn’t forget. He is still looking for obedience and faithfulness from His peo­ ple. Golden Text Illustration Dr. Frank Moore, President o f the American Prison Association, said at a railway luncheon: “They talk about sermons in stones—• well, sermons in prisons might be a better phrase. “A millionaire, turned bootlegger, is serving a long prison term. A prison re­ former, a former friend of his, visited his prison the other day and came upon him sitting crosslegged with an enormous needle and a ball of twine, sewing burlap bags. “ ‘Hello,’ said the reformer, ‘sewing, eh?’ “ ‘No,’ said the. prisoner with a grim smile, ‘reaping.’ ’’- P h il a d e l p h ia B u l l e t in

^More Interest** We find the C. E. Quarterlies create more interest in our so­ ciety than any other kind of ma­ terials we have used, (from Au­ gusta, Ga. Name on request.) Your C . E. Society CAN ENJOY THIS EXPERIENCE The Standard C. E. Quarterly lifts your C. E. meetings out of the commonplace—puts new life, new vigor, new enthusiasm, new results into C. E. effort. Thousands of societies use Standard C. E. Quarterlies and new users are being added every week. For the best in C. E. literature use Standard. Order a copy— examine it. You’ll adopt Standard and be better pleased with the progress of your society. 15 cents per copy per quarter in quantities. 75 cents per year to individual sub­ scribers. Please send cash with order. • The Standard Publishing Co. D ep t. K .B .-90 8th & C utter Sts. C incinn ati, O.

faithful to God. Next he says that the chil­ dren must be obedient to their parents, the parents must bring up their children careful­ ly and to obey the Lord, and the servants must be faithful and obedient to their mas­ ters. Faithfulness and obedience are the two words w h i c h Paul

O / V I S V O *

wanted the people to remember. Lesson Story: In another letter, Paul goes on writing about how people should act. And this time, the letter is about obeying the laws o f the country. He tells them not to be afraid o f their rulers, that

A Child Sold For 12 Cents A leading Chinese Daily recently reported five human markets in the province of Honan— markets where half-starved boys and girls are being sold for 12 cents each. The Home of Onesiphorus in Taian, Shantung, China has been rescuing helpless boys and girls for the past seventeen years and training them for the Kingdom of Christ. W e are in need of funds to enable us to rescue some of these little ones who are being sold off into a life of misery at the present time. All contributions for this purpose should be sent to the H O M E OF ONESIPHORU S, American Office, 2010 Grace St., Chicago, Illinois.

Half-starved and sick this little boy made his way to the Home of Onesiphorus where he found shelter, food and medical care. The small sum of $5.00 a month will enable us to rescue m any.such boys and girls. Who will lend a help­ ing hand to these suf­ fering ones at this time?

Seven years old! Who would think so? This little girl's mother died and left her when she was a baby. Being ill fed and not properly cared for she*developed a disease of the spine. At the age of seven she could not walk or talk. Special care and treatment in the Home has enabled her to run about and enjoy life.

BOYS! GIRLS! RABBITS! A HAPPY LOT! Wouldn't it rejoice your heart to know that you are the one being used of God in saving one of these little ones for Jesus and His kingdom? A few sacrifices each day will enable anyone to get together sufficient means to support a child in the Home of Onesiphorus.

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