NSLHD News December 6 2019

Dr Oliver Walsh, Katelyn Davis, Larissa Sirotti, Ashleigh McInnes, Helen Ganley, Dr Jonathan Gatward, Professor Len Notaras AM

ICU CLAIM HEALTHCARE STANDARDS HONOUR Congratulations to Dr Oliver Walsh, Dr Jonathan Gatward and Katelyn Davis and the team from Royal North Shore Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit who won a 2019 Australian Council of Healthcare Standards Quality Improvement Award. They won in the Healthcare Measurement category for their project titled ‘Reducing Inappropriate Arterial Blood Gas Testing in a Quaternary Intensive Care Unit.’ The ACHS QI Awards are Australia’s premier quality improvement awards for the health sector designed to keep quality improvement and innovation central to the healthcare safety agenda. Congratulations to all involved.

IMS+ IS COMING IN 2020 NSLHD will launch a new and improved incident management system ims+ on 17 February 2020 with support from eHealth throughout the transition. Preparations for this are currently underway with the NSLHD ims+ team working closely with the eHealth project team. The transition to the new system will be supported by comprehensive training and go- live support. Benefits of ims+ include it being quicker and easier to use, only one form for all incident types, and one system captures all data on incidents and consumer feedback. ims+ is accessible through your StaffLink ID and notifiers can receive feedback on their incident. ims+ automatically generates the severity/harm rating and the platform available anywhere, anytime.

Training will be a blend of online modules in My Health Learning, classroom sessions and webinars. Your role in the incident process will determine the level of training required. Notifier training is suitable for all staff, while manager/ reviewer training is required for NUMs, Heads of Departments or any position that is responsible for managing incidents. Notifier training is an e-learning module, and is currently available in My Health Learning. It is mandatory for all staff to complete this training Manager/Reviewer training is available as a classroom session and an online learning option. Classroom sessions will start from 20 January 2020. For more information please visit the ims+ intranet page or contact the NSLHD team via NSLHD-IIMS@health.nsw.gov. au


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