VCSST_Don't Let a Herniated Disc Hold You Back



Have you ever had back pain? If you said yes, it’s not surprising because over 85% of people will report having a bout of back pain in their lifetime. If you are one of them, you know that it is usually not the most pleasant experience. Backpaincanmake itdifficult tomove incertaindirectionsand it makes it harder to do the things you need or want to do for work and fun. However, there is also good news. Most of the time, what’s causing your back pain is actually not very serious and will gradually resolve over several weeks with the right treatment. You may have to modify your activities or take over-the-counter anti Inflammatory medication, But you do not need to be prescribed powerful pain medications or see a surgeon at this point. What you do need to do is take it easy for a day or so, and then gradually resume normal activities. Do not stay in bed but instead try to periodically walkormovegently. Ifyoufindthatspecificmovementsorpositionsproduce or worsen your symptoms, you may want to avoid those temporarily or do them in a different way. After a little bit of time, you should be able to begin to do those things again without pain.

However, if after about a week, your symptoms have not significantly improved, or if discomfort is still limiting you from your typical activities of life, then it may be time to seek professional help. The great news is that you can see a physical therapist directly and start treatment right away without having to see a physician first! Doctors of physical therapy are the musculoskeletal and movement experts and can assess and treat your back pain without the use of opioids, injections or surgery, thus saving you time, money and possible complications. If, at any time, your therapist identifies red flags that warrant further testing or procedures, you would be immediately referred to a physician. The Doctors of Physical Therapy at VCSST have over 75years of combined clinical experience and advanced training in assessing and treatingpeoplewithbackpain. Wegetpeopleback to theiractive lives!

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