King's Business - 1919-08



A SCHOO L of Praÿer A “School of P ra y er” has been opened by our good friend, Dr. John H Troy, and is significant as one of th e “ signs of th e tim es.” . We have had schools for everything else. It seems strang e th a t it should be necessary to have a school of p rayer to teach men to pray, b u t th e church is sho rt on prayer, and th is is evidenced by the life of th e church. New tim e. v>,rkLHW t-v. d t po,ss.1.ble t? °Peii a School of P ray er rig h t a t th e gate of the G hetto of r Ê Ê & iB S& l tb ??e who believe in u n in terru p ted and prevailing p ray er m eet from tim e to 4 r ^ „ 0ther th l? gs we are P raying for God’s will in the following sp iritu al objects: ih e following is a copy of th e announcem ent sent to th e w riter by Dr. Troy: ( 1 ) Israel. (2 ) The Second Coming Testament. (3 ) Young men to become studen ts in th e “ School of P ray er,” giving all of th e ir time. (4 ) Grace and tru th for all God’s servants everywhere. (5 ) More ligh t on certain difficult passages of Scripture. (6) The separation of th e tru e children of God from th e Apostate church. (7 ) Patience and endurance in persecution and trib u latio n .” Shall we no t p ray th a t th is School of P ray er may be used of th e Lord as the beginning of a new era in prayer? T C H T H E FINAL Peace Covenant In Ezekiel’s vision of the Davidic Kingdom to be set up when Christ shall come again to be the Shepherd of regathered Israel, we find a mention of the final peace covenant” : ‘‘I will make with them a covenant of peace and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness IfiS wo°ds. * * * There shall be showers of blessing.” (34:25, 26). , 8 | This.wil1 be the only successful peace covenant. It will be successful because it will have back of it the power of the Prince of Peace. “ His kingdom shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.” It will be a secure peace because the evil beasts will cease to be so at His coming. “ The wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the failing together; and a little child shall lead them. * * * They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain.” (Is, 11:6, 9). For this time all creation longingly waits (Rom. 8:19-22). It will be a satisfying peace, for then Christ, the “ Son of Righteous­ ness, will have arisen with healing in his wings” (Mai. 4:2). With Him present in person any kind of showers except “ showers of blessing” will be out of the question. How few who sing “ There shall be showers of blessing | know that it looks to the time of Christ’s glorious return. , be a sustaining peace for “ the tree of the field shall then yield her full fruit and the earth shall yield her increase” (v. 27 29). “ There shall be no more curse” (Rev. 23:3). It will be a sudden peace. I t will not be the result of a long drawn

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