King's Business - 1919-08

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


po rt a population of five or six millions. God has prom ised to resto re rain to P alestine when the tim e came for re­ sto ring his people to th e land (Joel 2 :2 3 ; Zech. 1 0 :1 ). Since 1860 th e re has b e e n a rem arkab le increase in th e aver­ age annual rain fall. In th e yearsl861 -70 th e average annual rain fall was 21.87 inches; from 1871 to 1880 it was 24.60 inches, while th e decade ending w ith 1890 averaged annually 27.69 inches. In th e years 1891-97 th e rain fall each y ear was abundant, and th e average yearly precipitation was 28.86 inches, or seven inches more th a n th e average from 1861 to 1870. Show these predic­ tions and facts to your infidel friend and ask him to explain them . How did Joel and Isaiah know th a t th e rain s would decrease, and th en increase afte r more th a n two thousand years, ju st as th e Jew s retu rn ed to P alestine? There is now a Jew ish governor in Ju d ea appointed by th e B ritish m ilitary government. H is name is co l. Eliezer Margolene, is a Russian Jew, who m his earliest youth used to be a g reat fighter among th e Russian boys who persecuted th e Jew ish children. As a little boy he used to express a desire to become a soldier in command of a Jew ish reg i­ m ent and th u s go o u t and fight the enem ies of Israel. He was always dream ing of m arching w ith a large Jew ish arm y over th e hills of Judea driving ou t th e enem ies and settling th e Jews there. When th e recent w ar broke ou t he enlisted in th e English arm y w here he distinguished himself, acquiring degree a fte r degree u n til he reached th e ran k of Colonel. On th e F rench fro n t he was seriously wounded and was about to have his legs ampu­ ta te d when in a m iraculous way he recovered w ithou t an operation. When th e Jew ish legionaires in Lqndon made ready to go to P alestine to help fight th e Turk, Col. Margolene took command of them . A t th e head of his Jewish Legionaires he marched into th e city trium ph an tly singing Jew ish songs.

Jews will re tu rn in unbelief as th e S criptures declare. The prophets te ll us th a t th e re will he a new development in ag ricu ltu re in P alestine in th e la tte r days. In Ezekiel 36:4ff, God speaks “ to the m ountains, and to th e hills, to th e w ater courses, and to th e valleys, to th e desolate wastes, and to th e cities th a t are for­ saken.” This very th ing is coming to pass. In Ezek. 36:8 God says, “B u t ye, O m ountains of Israel, ye shall shoot fo rth your branches, and yield your fru it to my people of Israel; for they are a t hand to come.” H ere is a word show­ ing th a t colonies w ill first be planted in P alestin e while th e mass of thè Jews are getting ready fo r th e re tu rn en masse to th e land. Over fo rty ag ri­ cu ltu ral colonies of Jews have been established in Palestine since 1878. They have w rought wonders in resto r­ ing th e land to productive fertility . Many o th er B iblical passages give us the story beforehand, as Je r. 31:4-12; 33: 12-14; Joel 2:21-26; Amos 9:13-15, etc. “The Milk and Honey Express to the Holy L and” is w hat th e B ritish Tom­ mies call th e Cairo-Jerusalem express train , by which one may leave E gypt’s capital in th e evening and he in the Holy City in th e morning. See Exodus 3 :8 . This m ilitary railway, b u ilt by th e T u rk s and B ritish du ring th e war, is a link in th a t g rea t “ higway ou t of Egypt to Assyria” of which Isaiah w rote over twenty-six centuries ago (Isaiah 1 9 :2 3 ). F u rth e r m ention of railways is found in Isaiah 35 :8 ; 62:10; 66:20. A scheme of colonization for P alestine which would cost 600,000,000 pounds is called for by th e plans outlined in the rep o rt of Mr. I. W ilkansky before th e recen t Zionist Conference in London. Mr. W ilkansky is jo in t director of the A g ricu ltu ral and Colonization D epart­ m ent of th e Zionist P alestine Office, and h is plans propose intensive farm ing which would enable P alestine to sup-

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