King's Business - 1919-08


THE BOY MOODY I t is told of D. L. Moody, th a t he once in his younger days showed him self con­ spicuously on th e la st day of school in one of the d istrict schools where he was to have p art in the exhibition exercises. He had the closing declamation, and he chose to give w ith his accustomed vigor th e oration of Mark Antony over the dead body of imperial Caesar. To the g reat surprise, and somewhat to the delight of th e teacher, he b rough t m a box which he set on th e teacher’s desk to represent the casket of the imm ortal Caesar, th a t he m ight visualize the scene while he was speaking. B u t in the closing moments of the declamation,, in the aroused in te rest of th e speech, he knocked th e box off th e desk and a cat jumped ou t and p u t an end to the meeting. Moody acknowledged th a t he had done th a t. He did not m ake any effort to hide it. MEN—WOMEN, 18 OR OVER, W ANTED FOR U. S. G overnm ent Life Jobs. $1000 to $1600 year. P leasan t w ork. Short hours. P aid vaca­ tion. Q uick raise. Common education sufficient. H undreds positions now obtainable. W rite im ­ m ediately for free list. F ranklin In stitu te , Dept. G 144, R ochester, N. Y. _________________________ FR E E—TH E M ISSING ONES. A PAM PH LE T w orth-w hile reading. W rite for it. H elm er E. H agberg, G othenburg, N ebr. A G ENU IN E LEA TH ER COVER, LOOSE L EA F Memo Book, 50 sheets paper. Y our nam e stam ped in gold on cover. P ostpaid, 50 cents. Loose Leaf Book Co., *Box 6, S tatio n L, New Y ork C ity, D epartm ent No. 10. DO YOU W ANT CH ILDREN TO ATTEND your P reach in g Service? T ry object lessons. Send 10 cents for “Seeing T ru th .” P ack et con­ tain in g th e objects and p rin ted directions. A d­ dress Rev. C. H. W oolston, D.D., 116 M arlboro St., Philadelphia, Pa.___________________ A SIDE SPLIT TER I IF YOU EN JOY A h earty laugh and love clean, wholesom e hum or, send for one of th e funniest books ever w ritten , “The D iary ef a D octor’s Son.” ' A n hour ot h y sterics. Tw enty-five cents postpaid. No stam ps accepted. Pacific Book Co., D ept. 13, 7036 H olm es A venue, Los A ngeles, Cal.

16 STYLES is Sweetest in Quality of Tone. Strongest in Volume of Tone. Lightest in Weight. Most Durable in Construction. Easiest to Operate. Prices the Most Reasonable. Guarantee the Best. A. L. White Mfg. Co. 215 Englewood Ave. Dept. T CHICAGO, ILL. Free Catalogue

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GENUINE CURIOS From THE NAVAJO AND HOPI TRIBES NAVAJO RUGS HOPI BASKETS SILVERWARE POTTERY MRS. M. WALTER Bible Institute, Los A ngeles, Cal. Formerly a M issionary to the Navajos Mail Orders Given Prompt A ttention W rite for Price L ist

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