King's Business - 1919-08

Individual Cups I Every church should o se.C lean la n d sanitary. Send for catalog l and special offer. Trial free. Thomas Communion Service Co. Box 487 Lima, Ohio Tires at Wholesale Prices

Be A Lecturer--- In your community—in your State— in your Nation. Lecturers are in demand by Twenty- five Lyceum and Chautauqua Read our latest list of Publications— Complete and expertly prepared— G reat P latfo rm Lectures: “GOD’S MASTERPIECE—MAN” . (A wonderful B accalaureate address) “THE CHURCH OF YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW” (S tim ulating, Wholesome and Encouraging) “BIRDS OF A FEATHER ” (Humorous and Practical), “MAN AND HIS (TALENTS) CAPITAL” (An Inspiring Commencement Address) “AMERICA, THE QUEEN OF NATIONS” (Revised fo r P atrio tic Occasions) “THE MAN OF GALILEE”^ (Religious and A ttractive) “HUMANITY’S HEADLIGHT” (Biblical and E n te rta in in g ) W e do no t publish old lectu res th a t have been w orn ou t on th e platform . O ur publications are new, and produced by th e intellects of some of the biggest, m ost in terestin g , and m ost p rac­ tical m en of th is generation. You will find as m any tim ely and usable illus­ trations in any one lecture th a t we publish, as you will find in th e average library. Y ou can easily preach a series of “Special Sermons” from the m aterial in any lecture th a t we send out. PRICES: Any lecture fifty cents. Any three, one dollar. ALL SEVEN, TWO DOLLARS. W ith each order we will send you FREE—ABSOLUTELY FREE I. The nam es and addresses ’of Tw enty-fiye B ureaus in the U. S. th a t EM PLOY L ecturers. II. A lso, “H in ts and Suggestions,” by an experienced platform m an, on “How to Make Connection w ith LECTURE BUREAUS.” N. B.—All tran sactio n s and correspondence treated confidentially. PUBLIC SPEAKERS’ SUPPLY Ridgway, Pa. £3T W rite and tell us w hat you need for th a t “ special occasion” and we will subm it prices. W e also prepare serm ons for reg u lar w ork. L et’s get acquainted. Bureaus in America. The Employment is Pleasant and Profitable

Not Seconds—Fully Guaranteed Genuine “ Capitol ” or the new ‘Rib-Skid" Beacon Tires $13.60 up. Red Tubes or “ Inside Armor“ $2.90 up. Write at once for full description, samples of material, and “ Direct-To-You” wholesale prices on these absolutely First Quality Fully Guaranteed 5000 mile Tires, Tubes, Armor, etc. Avoid tire trouble, and save one- third your Tiro expense by sending; size of your tires and name of car today. MODERN TIRE CO. 666 7th St., Racine. W is.

SILENT PREACHERS 1.000 Gospel Tracts. 18 kinds $1.50 Gospel Blotters. 15 cents per dozen Send 20 cents in stamps for 100 Assorted Tracts PIONEER TRACT SOCIETY 8 1 3 Hannah A ve. Oak Park, 111.

In the Middle o f the block, at 716 West 6th Street is a

SUPERIOR MEN'S TAILORING SERVICE 'T'HAT is eliminating every item of unnecessary expense in the tailor­ ing business and putting every cent of value possible into each suit made THE DIFFERENCE IN R E N T M AKES THE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE REMEMBER This ADDRESS 716 West Suits Cleaned Repaired and Pressed

—called for and delivered

Sixth Street Chas.DiTullio,Mgr.

m e n t io n “ k in g ' s b u s in e s s ” w h e n a n s w e r in g t h is a d v e r t is e m e n t

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