King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I NG ’S BUS I NES S 697 out conflab around the peace table, neither will it be the result of a millen­ nium dragged in by the main force of world reformers. The plant ot renown” (v. 29) shall be raised up. He is none other than Christ, whose coming shall be as the lightning out of the east (Matt. 24:27).—K. L. B. ' ^»4. .$*4. as. t..a» . ,tm IS D EM O C R A C Y The Cure-all? According to the Colossus in Daniel 2 the last form of government in this age is a mixture of monarchy and democracy. The fragile clay of the popular will of the people is mixed with the yet hopelessly unamalgamated hard crushing iron of imperialism. The clay seems to be predominating in these days. Democracy is the popular cry. Dr. D. M. Panton says, “ Democ­ racy is the longsuffering of God granting to the less cultured classes such political power as will prove whether the miscarriage of all human govern­ ment is due to its form or to its sin. So, that, when moral disaster over­ takes republics equally with empires, every mouth may_ be stopped, and every order of sinner—whether Chaldean absolutist, Persian satrap, Greek oligarch, Roman militarist, or modern democrat—be proved, by sin, equally incompetent to control the world. To prove whether bad government springs from ancient barriers—monarchy or aristocracy or sex—God grants adult suffrage at last, until the whole Colossus Man collapses in ruin. Notice that in past history, every form of government when adminis­ tered by righteous men has brought untold blessing. This^ proves it is not the form of government so much as sin that breaks down in disaster when authority is wielded by wicked men. Just at present God is permitting the vacillating populace to rule and a lawless rule it is. And it will not get better, but rather worse, as the years come and go, until people will become so disgusted with their own lawlessness that they will cry for a dictator. Notice in the past that lawlessness has always developed a fearful dictator- ghip in the end. It was the French Revolution that created Napoleon ; as he remarked himself one time—**It was I who closed the crater of anarchy. The pendulum of the national clock will always swing eventually as far one way as it did the other. This world is rapidly turning into a Red Republic. When the freedom of the public will has reached its limit, then the brain of the world will..cry out for a dictator. Then the Superman, the Wicked One, the Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ, the Beast, the World Dictator, will appear. Jesus said in John 5 :43, “ I am come in My Father’s name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” No wonder God put this form of government last in His description of world-rule in the Colossus. For no power but God Himself, in the person of His Son, could ever reconstruct society after this scourge had once run over the earth. Godless democracy is bound to develop the most devilish rule this world has ever seen. Nothing will change it but the coming of our Lord Jesus in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not our Lord Jesus Christ. The time seems not far distant when the Lawless One will be revealed (2 Thes. 2) “ whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of His Coming.”—W. H. P.

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