King's Business - 1919-08

Eddyism, Mormonism, etc.) A doctrine which does n o t accord w ith o u r know ledge of h isto ry And science m u st he rejected. This is the important message Dr. Clarke and the Chicago professors are sending out to the world. The divine commission to read “ Go ye into all the world and tell every creature that the Bible has long since been abandoned as a divine revelation to man. And this is the message that we are told “ brings incredible relief to the Christian. Alfc Al^. H H m BA PT IST S and Christ’s Second Coming The Baptist denomination is now conceded to be numerically the largest in the world. Baptists have always boasted that they have no creed but the New Testament and since they hold to -the literal interpretation of Scripture, they have been more constantly and consistently identified with the Pre-millennial doctrine than any of the reformed sects. We find it embodied in many of their historical confessions. In 1660 a confession of faith was drawn up and signed by John Bunyan and forty others, elders, deacons and brethren,” approved by twenty thousand more, and presented to Charles II in London. It was prefaced by this statement: We are not only resolved to suffer persecution to the loss of our goods, but also Me itself, rather than decline from the same.” It contained the following articles. icie |*g We Relieve th a t th e same Lord Jesus who showed himself alive afte r his passion by many infallible proofs, Acts 1:3, which was tak en up into heaven, shall so come iii like m anner as He was seen going .n to heaven Acts 1-9-11 and when Christ who Is our life, shall appear, we shall also appear w ith H im in glory. Col. 3:4. F 6 r th e kingdom is His, and He is th e governor among th e nations, Psalm 22:28, and th e king over all th e earth , Zech. 14:9, and w^ shall re“gn w ith him on th e earth , Rev. 5:10. The kingdoms of th is world which men so m ightily striv e afte r h ere to enjoy, shall become th e kingdom of : u r t o r mde and°h“s C h riit, Rev. 11:6. F o r a llth in g s are yours, g . th e world) for ye are C h rist’s and Christ is G ods, 1 Cor. 3.21-23. l o r unto tne saints shall be given th e kingdom and th e greatness of the dominion, under the whole heaven Dan. 7:27. Though, alas! ho,w many men be scarce content th a t 7he saints should have so much as being among them , h u t when Christ shall

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