King's Business - 1919-08



f r o f k ^ r o f ' n e v

0Ver the nation s- to ru le them w ith

hand, so we do believe th a t a t the appointed tim e of the F a th e r n f ! h n i i plght

&S&. l i t i l in which kingdom th e saints and fafthf^i * f ? S | a ° end nor cannot be shaken;

back f a t h e r th a t b ^ j U to th e f irs t ¡ g ^ U ; to T u r L o rd a n d f f i! Apostles, and reaffirm the faith once for all delivered unto the saints We io v aT to ih e filth ra f kthanrd °f the great BaPtist constituency remain S i t0 , the fait* of the fathers even though the new theolosrv mav have istrativ^iM^iinerv08^ ^ ^ Cen? es and sought to gain control of the administrative machinery If at any time m the future, the historic attitude of the tliT authority of W o r d " ? o ‘l disc" ditin* tM ''alidity and repudiating ( S 8 j F Z S S P & B a p « ' S f i M 2 f t & & K ! K be t - r a b .« to portals, ,„ r to boasted bond 0g( a § | ¡ g ™ « “ W o m a n s u f f r a g e and the Bible pnil. ^ E a,n 18 here to stay. And women have now moved for equal rights m the Presbyterian Church, seeking the privilege of holdin» church positions for centuries held only by men g holding to he Tfh °ne be deceiVe,d as t0 what the outcome of these movements is to be. It has grown out of a rejection of the Word and continual!$S53&§ B W “Samst Bible teaching. Leading advocates of " Z righte fo™ women are most open m their ridicule of the Bible. Mrs Laura Fixen of Chicago says: Man has usurped almost everything in religion as well as FORM OF BEQUEST To Bible Institute of Los Angeles I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute of Los Anaeles incorporated under the laws of the State of California & dollars, and I direct that the release of the President o f the Board 0d i^hn ln0rt °f ^ Btbk Institute ° f Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. ,

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