King's Business - 1919-08


THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S that Christian women should now take advantage of their franchise. That women’s votes have brought about some great benefits, there is no attempt to deny, but toward what the movement is tending, is plainly evident.—K. L. B.

gfe afe From the Castor Oil Bottle sfe

D e l i v e r e d

A friend of ours, a few Sundays ago, stopped a small boy on the street and asked him what Sunday School he was bound for. He replied that he was going to the Christian Science Sunday School. “ Do you like to go there?” he was asked. “ Yes,” replied the boy. “ And why?” our friend asked. “ Because,” said the lad, “I don’t have to take castor oil any more. ’’ This may sound to some like a joke, but the boy was in dead earnest, and there is a point that wise people will not miss. Why is it that the boy is no longer compelled to take the simple remedies that any child occa­ sionally needs? Is it because Christian Science now serves the purpose— or because his foolish mother cannot now consistently recognize the medic­ inal value of the oil? This lad, like many other children of Eddyite parents, may be left to die for the want of one of the simple remedies that God has put in the earth for man’s use. One of the most appalling things about this false system is the suffering that is caused to innocent children, simply because their parents have been duped. Doctors and nurses in almost every city and town can tell the awful story as it has been seen again and again, where, as a last resort, they have been called to Christian Science homes.*—K. L. B. Growing ou t of th e article in th e Ju ly number on “ Imm ortality” , and in an- swer to some questions which have come to us,— we desire to sta te th a t th e Bible In stitu te, its faculty and ofli- cers, as well as th e editors of The K ing’s Business, believe th a t immedi­ ately upon th e death, or “ falling asleep” of believers, th e ir sp irits do imm ediately go to be w ith th e Lord, as set fo rth in Phil. 1:23. The doctrinal statem en t of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles can always be found on th e inside of th e fron t cover of the magazine, and is such as to sa t­ isfy all who believe in th e g reat funda­ mentals of th e Scripture. THE ONE WORLD-WIDE L IFE T ran slate th e words of Christ into w hat country’s language you will, he m ight have been th e joffspring of th a t country. Date them by w hat century of the world you will, they belong to th a t century as much as to any other. There is nothing of n ationality about Christ. He was th e child of every age and nation. His was a life world-wide. —F. W. Robertson. Do Tou Ha^e Dailÿ Family Devotions in You Home? See the Devotional Readings in this Magazine In Ind iana is a German saloonkeeper whose first nam e is August. He now has a card in his window upon which he yields up th e ghost afte r th is fashion: “The F irs t of Ju ly will he th e last of August." L IFE AND IMMORTALITY LAST OF AUGUST

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