King's Business - 1919-08



faith , go to your pastors for advice, bu t never to a Mormon, for they have tu rn ed the Gospel into fables. They come as teachers of others, and they are in sad need of the ligh t themselves. Read Matt. 24:24. I p ray daily for those who deceived me th a t they may get th e ligh t from on high, even as I now have. May God g ra n t th a t th e Christians of th e E ast may send th e Gospel of Jesu s Christ in its pu rity to them in the West, th a t they come not h ere to spread, th eir darkness among us. F o r every m is­ sionary they send us, we should send them a dozen. “Thou h ast tried them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and h ast found them liars.” Rev. 2 :2 . D. J. CLAIBORNE. (N o te:— The U tah Gospel Mission, 9277 Amesbury Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, fu rn ish trac ts setting fo rth from th e Mormon books th e fatal errors, con­ trasted w ith w h at th e Word of God teaches. We recommend especially a tra c t en titled “The T rue Mormon Doc­ trin e ,” by Rev. J. D. Nutting, for years a m issionary among the Mormons. If you have friends who are being influ­ enced by suave Mormon elders, get some of these trac ts and urge them to read them .) F o r convenience we give herew ith a few quotations from th e Mormon Bible bearing on the above article. Mormon elders have p rin ted on th e ir cards “A rticles of F a ith ” which appear to be orthodox. A rticle 3 of th is creed says: A rt. 3. We believe th a t, th rough th e atonem ent of Christ, all m ankind may be saved, by obedience to th e laws and ordinances of th e Gospel. Now let us see w hat they m ean by th e above, according to th e ir own books: 1. Christ th e son of Adam-god and Mary. “The F a th e r had begotten him in his own likeness. He was no t begot­ ten by th e Holy Ghost. And who is th e F a th e r? He is th e first of the

th a t it gave chapter and page in the “ Jo u rn al of Discourses” w here it could be found. He looked a t it for a mo­ ment, th en took it from my hand, and p u t it in his pocket, saying “ If you could see th e Jo u rn al of Discourses, you would see something else.” I got no more satisfaction out of him. Then several weeks w ent by, and I got a le tte r, some more tracts, and an anti-Mormon book w ritten by th e Rev. T. M. Lamb, en titled ‘The Mormons and th e ir Bible.’ They were sent to me by th e Rev. Mr. N utting from Cleve­ land, Ohio. Now, th is book presents very strong proof of the falsity of the book of Mormon. A fter reading th is lo t of literatu re , I was in an awful sta te of m ind, and could not re st n igh t or day. I determ ined to go to Dr. Mc­ Millan, and look a t th e proofs he had begged me to look a t months before. I w rote to him , and made an appoint­ m ent to see him in his study a t th e church. There he laid before me the “ Jo u rn al of D iscourses” w ith all its ho rrib le blasphemy. Who of you who reads th is can imagine my feelings at th a t moment? There was th e Adam- God doctrine in> plain print. I t had so many tim es been denied to me. Then I dropped Mormonism. B u t everything was doubt and d ark ­ ness in my mind. Dr. McMillan tried to point me th e way, b u t I could see no ligh t then. Six weeks later, from sheer m isery and heartache, I w ent to pastor B itting for a talk. Now, afte r months of Correspondence and talk s, and the reading of books, I am w alking in the ligh t of God’s own Gospel, and I have for some tim e had th e w itness of th e Sp irit th a t I am accepted of God. I have been tak en back as a member of th e Mount Morris B aptist Church, and my b reth ren th e re have given me the hand of welcome. I will w rite th is as a w arning, and w ith a prayer in my h e a rt th a t it may prevent others from being deceived as I was. If you are unsettled in your

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