King's Business - 1919-08



hum an fam ily.”— Brigham Young, J. of D., 1:50. 2. Christ a polygam ist. “We say it was Jesus Christ who was m arried (a t Cana, to th e Marys and M artha) whereby he could see his seed before he was crucified.”— Apostle O. Hyde, sermon. 3. The A tonement does n o t save souls: “The A tonement made by Jesus Christ brough t about th e resu rrection from th e dead, and restored life,”— Taylor, M. & A., 178. (See B. of M., Alma 42:22.) The atonem ent “ signifies the deliverance . . . of th e ea rth and everything p er­ tain ing to it, from th e power which death h as obtained over them through th e transgression of Adam. . . . Redemp­ tion from personal sins can only be obtained th rough obedience to th e re­ quirem ents of the Gospel (Mormon ceremonies) and a life of good w orks.” —Comp., 8, 9, 4. M ust be baptized. “No person who has arrived a t years of accountability, and has h eard the Gospel (Mormonism ), can be saved w ithou t baptism .” — Catechism, 40. “Children shall be baptized for the rem ission of th e ir sins when eigh t years old, and receive the laying on of hand s.” — D. & C. 68:27. ‘Will all th e people be damned who are not L atter-day Saints? Yes, and a g reat many of them , except they rep en t speedily.”— Brig­ ham Young, J. of D. 1:339. 5.— Blood A tonem ent (form erly p reach ed ): “Will you love your b ro thers and sisters like­ wise when they have a sin th a t cannot be atoned for w ithout the shedding of th e ir blood? . . . T h at is w h at Jesus Christ m eant (by “ love thy neighbor as thyself.” ) . . . I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain in o rder to atone for th e ir sins. . . . The w ickedness and ignorance of the nations forbid th is principle being in full force, b u t the tim e w ill come when th e law of God will be in full force. This is loving our neighbor as ourselves: if he needs help, help him ; if he w ants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the

ea rth in o rder th a t he may be saved, SPILL IT. . . . THAT IS THE WAY TO LOVE MANKIND.” — B righam Young, Tabernacle sermon, Feb. 8, 1857; J. of D., 4:219, 220. B ible T ru th : Eph. 2 :8 ; John 3 :16 ; John 14:23; Rom. 8:1-6; 1 Cor. 11: 20-29; Rom. 4 :25 ; Gal. 1 :4 ; Ex. 20:13, “Thou sh alt no t k ill,” L et us now examine A rticle 8 of this creed and note th e ir real meaning. A rt. 8. We believe th e Bible to be. the word of God, so far as it is tra n s­ lated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be th e word of God. 1. Foolish to believe in only one B ible: “Thou fool, th a t shall say, A Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. . . . ye need not suppose th a t it contains all my words; n eith er need ye suppose th a t I have no t caused more to be w ritte n .”— B. of M., 2 Nephi. 29:6-10. “And if thou sh alt ask, thou sh alt receive revel­ ation upon revelation.”— D. and C., 42:61. 2, The Mormon sacred Books: “We consider th e Bible, Book of Mor­ mon, Book of Doctrine and Covenants, . P earl of G reat Price and sayings of Joseph, th e Seer, our guides in faith and doctrine.”— Comp, preface. 3. The Bible of little value: “Add all th is imperfection to the uncertain ty of the tran slation , and who, in his rig h t mind, could, for one moment, suppose the Bible in its p resen t form to be a perfect guide? Who knows th a t even one verse of th e whole Bible has escaped pollution, so as to convey th e same sense now th a t it did in th e o rig in al?” —Apostle P ra tt, Divine Auth, of B. of M., p. 218. “Not a version has been published in which even the unlearned cannot perceive erro rs.”— Talmage, A. of F ., 241. “Many p arts which are plain and most precious have been tak en away th erefrom .”'—Pres. Taylor, Med. & Ato., 2. 4. The priesthood can m ake Scriptures: “W ilford Woodruff is a prophet, and I know th a t he has a g reat many prophets around him, and

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