King's Business - 1919-08



he can make scriptures as good as those in th e Bible.”— Apostle J. W. Taylor, Conference, Salt Lake, April 5, ’97. “The living oracles (priestly revela­ tions now) are-w o rth more to th e L at­ ter-Day Saints th a n all th e Bibles, etc.” —Apostle M. W. Merrill, Conference, S. L. City, Oct., 1897. 5. The B ible “n o th in g :” “Compared w ith th e living oracles these books are nothing to me.” — Pres. W ilford Woodruff, same con­ ference. 6. Some Mormon revelations from th e Devil: Jos. Sm ith said in 1829, speaking by “ revelation” of his own “ revelations” : “Some revelations are of God, some revelations are of man, and some revelations are of the devil.”—David W hitm er, one of the “ Three W itnesses” to B. of M., “Ad­ dress,” p. 31. B ible T ru th : Rev. 22:18-20; 2 P ete r 1:19-21, and 3 :16 ; 1 John 4 :1 ; Gal. 1:6-9; Rev. 22:18-20. RUSSELLISM REVIVED There is a country-w ide revival of Russelism on foot, due to the release of th e 'Russellite leaders from prison. They are m aking much of w h at they term persecution and u n fair trials, for th e fu rth e rin g of th e ir propaganda. D uring th e war, J. F . R u th erfo rd and seven o ther members of th e In tern a­ tional Bible S tud en ts’ Association were convicted of violating th e espionage act and were sent to prison. A nation-wide campaign in favor of th e ir release was carried on. The case has been reviewed by the federal circuit court of appeals in New York, w ith th e resu lt th a t the conviction was reversed.

O k e Eleventh Hour

Rev. O. R. P alm er emphasizes th e fact th a t th e re were th ree elevens, a divine trin ity , connected w ith th e signing of the arm istice between th e w arring nations. It was on th e eleventh month, the eleventh day, and th e eleventh hou r of th e day. “And about th e eleventh hou r he • w ent out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them , why stand ye h ere all th e day idle? “They said unto him , because no man h a th hired us. He saith unto them , go ye also into th e vineyard; and w hatso­ ever is righ t, th a t shall ye receive.” Matt. 20:6, 7 ). During th e early morning hours the householder had gone out th a t he m ight h ire laborers for his vineyard; again a t th e sixth, and a t th e n in th hours. Now a t th e eleventh hou r going fo rth again he found still more and set them a t work, prom ising them a su re rew ard, as he had th e others. “The tim e is sh o rt” (1 Cor. 7 :2 9 ). The early morning hou r for th e testi­ mony of th e church to th e saving and keeping grace of the Lord Jesu s Christ h as long passed by. The sixth and n in th hours, perhaps reaching back as far as th e salvation of Cornelius (Acts 1 0 :3 ), are m atters of church histo ry ; and “ yet th e re is room ,” room for sin­ ners to be saved and saints to glorify God, for th e clock for th e world has not yet stru ck twelve. The number eleven is highly signifi­ cant, for it imm ediately precedes fo r the world, th e solemn hou r of m idnight when darkness, which “may be fe lt” (Ex. 1 0 :2 1 ), will settle over th e earth , and our Lord come to those, who look no t for him , as a th ief in th e night.

We may te st our grow th in grace by our expertness in detecting th e voice of the Lord.

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