King's Business - 1919-08



because of th e ir opposition, we were called upon to pay an unh eard of and unprecedented ren tal. This could have been forgiven b u t when in connection w ith said Evangelistic meetings I found Christian Scientists of th e city working upon our converts to try and influence them ag ain st our meetings, I felt th a t th e tim e had come for some person or persons or society to set on foot a move­ m ent th a t would enlighten th e people as to th e rea l facts of th e ir propaganda. A little later, upon tak ing th e sub­ ject up fo r discussion w ith a certain educator, I heard from him th a t Chris­ tia n Scientists of Los Angeles County had become th a t strong th a t some of th e ru ling s of th e Government reg ard ­ ing th e exam ination and weighing of school children had no t been observed. Of course, doing any th ing of th e kind would be an erro r of m o rtal mind, The w riter also found, upon fu rth e r investigation as to th e stren g th of the cults, lite ra tu re d istributed th rough the public libraries. In lib raries visited Christian Science lite ra tu re was found no t only in th e form of magazines and papers furnished said libraries, b u t in stories set fo rth in books which bore every pretense of being S crip tu ral and orthodox b u t containing w ithin them ­ selves perverted teachings of God’s word. Magazines and papers were found also of o ther cults such as Rus- sellism and Spiritualism , etc., in fact th e preponderance of th is m aterial over ag ain st magazines and papers as fu r­ nished by th e Evangelical denom ina­ tions was m arked in the*'extreme, so much so th a t the w riter became con­ vinced th a t pastors and churches had to a large extent overlooked th e serious­ ness of th e propaganda of these cults as d istribu ted th rough th e public libraries of th e country. There are many good h earted and well meaning people among Christian Scientists, nevertheless they have been misguided. I have many friends among

th e Scientists, many whom I believe to be sincere in th e ir belief. I have had h e a rt to h ea rt talk s w ith several of them and found in frequ en t instances th a t the only reason th ey have gone into Chris­ tia n Science is because of th e com fort and healing they though t Christian Sci­ ence would bring them . In some in­ stances, however, they did no t know the real teachings of th e Christian Science cult,— they did not know th a t th e atone­ m ent and sacrifice of Christ for our sins had been set a t n au g h t in th e teach­ ings of Mrs. Eddy. The saddest th ing was th a t they did no t know Christ as th e ir Saviour as th e ir Lord, th e ir King. It was h ard for th e w riter to tak e a stand in opposition to th e ir views, bu t th e re rem ained no o ther course— hence th e step. Follow ing all these observations and experiences I made an appeal for or­ ganizing an in te rn atio n a l society, for the purpose of m eeting th e pernicious influence of Christian Science, to a num ­ ber of m in isterial friends, first to b ro th er m inisters of Redondo Beach, Rev. H. H. Hocker and Rev. Owen Um- stead, th en to such men as Rev. W. E. Biederwolf, D. D., Rev. F rench E. Oli­ ver, D. D., Rev. Thos. C. Horton, Rev. F. W. F a rr, D. D., Rev. Bunce, D D., Rev Chas. Edw ard Locke, D. D., and Rev. Edmunds, D. D. My appeal m et w ith a ready response from those who h eard it. A meeting was called of earn est men representing many Evan­ gelical denom inations. A simple organ­ ization was perfected, designed to reach every p a rt of th e country. The work as entered upon by the society will be far reaching in its re­ sults. Intensive Evangelistic campaigns will be arrang ed in cities th roughou t th e United States. L ecturers also will be engaged from among th e strongest men of our Evangelical denom inations. A Loyalty Personal W orkers League will be urged in every city calling for workers to carry Com fort and Hope

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