King's Business - 1919-08



SPOILING THE ATMOSPHERE A correspondent says: Some years ago a Christian gentlem an told me th a t I could call every sp iritu alist in th e city togeth er, and if I were to kneel down and invoke th e presence of th e Lord Jesus Christ, they could do absolutely nothing. This gentleman, as a young man on coming to London, had been led away by Spiritualism , b u t some of his expe­ riences were so dread fu l th a t he was led to repent, and to renew his allegi­ ance to th e Lord Jesu s Christ. Of his two friends who w ith him self became Spiritualists, one comm itted suicide, the o th er died in a lunatic asylum. The first tim e he was in one of th e ir m eet­ ings he felt he was in a wrong atmos­ phere, and he began to p ray inw ardly; a fte r a tim e th e medium stopped and said: “ Someone is praying h ere; we can do nothing.” THE ILLS OF PEACE Thomas H. Marshall, V ice-President of th e United States, says: “The Pocket Testam ent was th e most valuable th ing which th e soldier carried into th e fight w ith him. Because of the agony and sudden death, w ar was looked upon, as it is in many ways, as a frig h tfu l calam ity. It had one good featu re about it, however. I t kep t th e though t­ ful man constantly in remembrance of the fact th a t a t any moment he m ight be compelled to answer for th e deeds done in th e flesh. The though t th a t now th a t th e w ar is over th e Pocket T estam ent is to go, w ith th e submarine and th e helmet, into the museum , is a frig h tfu lly m istaken idea. Serious as is the business of life when death im ­ mediately impends, it is far more serious when th e average man th ink s th a t it will not arrive for years to come. Now is th e tim e when, if never before, the soldier needs his Pocket T estam ent to meet the ills of peace.”

th rough prayer to th e sick and th e af­ flicted and to render said service w ith­ ou t money and w ithou t price. A Loyalty Personal W orkers Correspond­ ence course will also he offered, in stru ct­ ing said w orkers how they may lead erroneous believers to Christ. The society will place in every city where meetings are held or upon requ est by local church representatives, lite ra tu re rack s for the distribu tion of free Evan­ gelical lite ra tu re— said lite ra tu re to be supplied by th is society. In each rack th e re will be placed a Bible— free for public use— a key will no t be needed to reveal its teachings. Beading and re st rooms—where th e churches of a community request th e society will co-operate in establishing reading and re st rooms. Where churches of a city desire to un ite in meetings for th e purpose of fu rnishing th e people inform ation re­ garding erroneous religious beliefs th e representatives of th e society should be addressed and th e churches so uniting should sta te w hether an intensive evan­ gelistic campaign or lectures are de­ sired. Yearly membership fees may be sub­ scribed from $1.00 to $25.00 and said subscriptions will be applied according to th e number of years indicated. Life membership, $25.00. Honorary life membership, $100.00. The first thou ­ sand members will be listed as ch arter members. Address Rev. S. B. Dexter, Superin­ tendent, In tern ation al Christian T ru th Investigation Society, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.

The finest services are w ithin the power of th e poorest people. The deep­ est m inistries find th e ir symbols i|n “ cups of cold w ate r” which it is in the power of everybody to give.

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