King's Business - 1919-08

715 A rm strong was one of th e type of phy­ sicians h ard to find in these days— a man who devotedly loved his Lord and who was always spending his life and means for th e help ,of the un fo rtunate. He is survived by his wife, who is also a physician, and who continues in the same offices. H arry E. Hardy, ’14, who has been w ith th e forces in F rance, sends us the announcem ent of his m arriage on May 3 to Miss M argaret Merry. Their home is in Boston. Jam es P. Steer, ’16, has g radu ated from th e N orthern B aptist Theological Seminary. On May 25th, a daughter, Mary Mel-, verna, came to th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Em ery Andrews, Los Angeles. Mr. Andrews graduated from the In stitu te. Edw in B. Singer, who is located a t Paso Robles, Calif., w rites th a t th e Lord is wonderfully blessing his labors.

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S NOTES. We are accused by our friend, Ma­ rion Reynolds, of failing to m ake men­ tion of th e fact th a t th e finest boy in th e world recently arrived a t his house, a “Marion” , Jr. Our prayer is th a t th e young Reynolds will prove as great a hu stler for th e Lord as his fath er— and his mother. The d eath of Dr. George B. Arms- strong, who for several years has had his office in th e In stitu te building, and who has lovingly m inistered to the needs of many students, and very often w ithou t charge, b rough t g reat sadness to many th e past month. He did not survive th e shock of an operation which it was necessary th a t he should have. His homegoing was a glorious one and his funeral, a t which his friend of many years, Mr. Horton, officiated, was an occasion for th e preaching of th e Gospel, ra th e r th a n for mourning. Dr.

Some of the B . 1 . Boys who Have Returned from the Army) and Navy)

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