King's Business - 1919-08


THE. K I N G ’S BUS I NES S and accepts the Bible in its entirety. Our men are in structed before they go f on th e field th a t ‘he th a t w inneth souls is wise’. It has been dem onstrated th a t th e quickest point of contact in ru ra l Christian work is th e Sunday School. Once in a while it is necessary to hold some evangelistic meetings first and then when th e people have accepted Christ, they are anxious to help w ith th e Sunday School. Clarence H. Charle- ton, a form er B. I. man, h as been doing fine work in our Bay field, which in ­ cludes Aldema and a number of counties south. In th e past th ree months, he has organized 14 schools. During April 9 confessed Christ, du ring March 15 and in F eb ru ary 13. In a recent le tte r Mr. Charleton announces th e a r­ rival of a son, who has th e regulation color of h air, red. We hope young P aul will grow up to be a w inner of souls like his dad.” R. P. Phillips of Tennessee w rites: “ It would be h ard to m easure th e actual benefits I have personally received th rough The K ing’s Business. In Sun­ day School classes, from th e platform ,, in sub stitu ting for an- absent pastor, in, talk ing to individuals, in many ways, it has been a blessing. May th e Holy Spirit continue to guide you who are firm in the faith .” Allyn B. Cook, ’18, who w ent to China w ith th e Saunders party, w rites of a most th rillin g experience as fol­ lows: “ P raise th e Lord! I have had one blessing afte r ano th er since I le ft home. I m ust tell you of a w onderful deliver­ ance which He gave me. B u t I must not tak e th e credit of being th e only one delivered. Mr. G raham and his son were also delivered. Mr. G raham is our local secretary. J u s t two weeks ago today, we left Yunhanfu a t 12:15. Mr. G raham goes q u arterly to hold com­ munion services among th e Hwa Miao trib e a t a village known as Muh Yang. His son was spending th e holidays w ith his fath e r and would no t re tu rn home

D R . T O R R E T W ith Dr. Atkinson is Visiting the Missionaries in China This Summer He was ordained by the church May 28. A friend w rite s 'th a t she remembers in prayer th e work of th e Bible In sti­ tu te, a t least twice every day and espe­ cially prays th a t God will bless th e mes­ sage of The K ing’s Business. We wish many more m ight be led to follow her example. Robert B. Rogers, a form er student, who is S tate Hospital and Evangelistic superin tenden t of th e California C. E. Union, has been active in preparing for th e g reat C. E. Convention a t Long Beach, especially in connection w ith th e stree t meeting work. Dr. Rush E. Crissman, general rep re­ sentative of th e American Sunday School Union, w rites interesting ly of th e work of th e organization in which he has a large num ber of form er Bible In stitu te men as workers. He says: “Our work is founded on th e solid rock

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