King's Business - 1919-08

718 th e roof of the house w ith his foot on th e g u tte r to keep from sliding off, and he was wondering w h at he would do if th e g u tte r gave way. In th e morning we saw people going to and fro along th e road, so we knew it was safe to go on. We got on our way before sun­ rise. We found th a t two women had been burned rig h t next door to th e Inn. One of them was burned to death. There had been 200 men th e re and had searched th e Inn when they came. Mr. G raham had been led to have special prayer w ith th e men before he started , a th ing which he does no t always do, b u t th is tim e the Lord had laid it on his h eart, so th a t he had to do it. Mrs. \G raham had been led to pray p articu ­ larly for us a fte r we left. T ru ly it was a w onderful deliverance.” recom­ mended by th is magazine, for those who wish to examine th e leading religious cults in th e ligh t of God’s Word. All may be obtained of Biola Book Room, 536 to 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles. Seven D ifferent Cults A most comprehensive chart, setting fo rth quotations from seven leading heresies, in con trast w ith Scripture references, has been prepared by R. L. Brooks. E n titled , “The Spirit of T ru th and the Spirit of E rro r”-—folds into board cover, convenient for pocket, 10c each. i&Sr i&r BOOKLETS ON HERESIES Inexpensive publications

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S Christian Science Unvarnished P acts About C hristian Science, Biederwolf, 15c. Analysis of Christian Science, Halde- man, 10c. Christian Science and th e Word, Huling,, 10c. Russellism M illennial Dawn, MacDonald, 15c. M illennial Dawnism, Haldeman, 10c. Spiritualism Spiritualism , Biederwolf, 15c. Spiritualism , W ilton, 15c. Seventh Day Adventism Seventh Day Adventism, Biederwolf, 15c. Seventh Day Adventism, Sickels, 15 c. Mormonism T rue Mormon Doctrine, N utting, 5c. Josephite Mormonism, N utting, 10c. Theosophy Theosophy or Christianity, Which? Haldeman, 15c. Theosophy, Riley, 5c. Roman Catholicism ' Doctrines of Catholicism Exam ined, Brooks, 10c. Rome in Scripture and H istory, Jen ­ nings, 10c. The Scarlet Woman, Haldeman, 10 c. The best day th a t ever dawns on a sinner brings a curse w ith it. Sinners may have many feast days b u t no safe days, for th e re is not an hou r in which God’s oven is n o t ho t in readiness for th e wicked who shall be as stubble. • S b S 3tS

IT IS A FALSE PRESS That Does It Dr. David S. Kennedy a t th e World Conference on Evangelism rem arked : “There is not a form of erro r in th is age th a t h asn ’t its p rin ting press, and pu tting thousands and thousands of dollars into it to send fo rth a propaganda if possible into every h eart. Your children are reading it when you do not know it. You m inisters have people reading th is erro r when you are not aw are o f it, and you find them losing in te rest in your work and in th e cause, and you do no t know w h at did it. I t is a false press th a t did it, and if you are to get the work ou t of th e press th a t you would like, you must come to th e suppo rt of th e evangelical press, th a t comes to back you up and help you to do a work you cannot do, and to spread the influence which you are intensifying and establishing.”

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