King's Business - 1919-08



chart, adm itting as I do, th a t th e re are many good people connected w ith it and many w ithout doubt who are saved. My friend, the Bible teaches th e absolute sufficiency of Christ’s atonem ent made once for all and for all men. W ere th e re a thousand worlds like ours, His blood would pay th e price, b u t th ere is a vast difference between universal redemption (1 Jno. 2 :2 ; 1 Tim. 4 :10) and universal salvation. The reservoir is full of w ater sufficient for all in the community, yet if one fails to drink, he will perish. Even though one tak e the narrow view which your tra c t infers is the usual one of orthodoxy, nam ely th a t th e atonem ent was only sufficient for a certain elect number, can one doubt th a t God had foreknowledge of th e exact number who would be saved and would His foreknowledge in any way affect th e choice of any individual? If S atan was to be th e sin -b earer of th e world as ta u g h t by Mrs. W hite (pages 266, 267) th e Bible would certainly somewhere so sta te in plain words. A sub stitu te has been accepted in th e sinn er’s stead and th e sins of every accepting sinner com­ pletely cancelled by th e victim (1 Jno. 4 :7 ). W ith such views of Christ’s work it is not so strang e th a t Adventists th in k so little of celebrating a day when Christ’s body lay dead in the tomb instead of the day which proclaims complete trium ph and full justification of all who should believe— th e day which th e disciples and early Christians k ep t from th a t day forward. While th e Jews were keeping th e day of a dead Christ, continuing to offer mean­ ingless sacrifices, the disciples were keeping th e day of a living Christ. Instead of commemorating th e com­ pleted creation they could not b u t com­ memorate th e day of th e completed re­ demption, standing for th e new creation freed from th e tomb. I certainly pray th a t you may be honest enough to ta k e th e Bible alone as a sufficient revelation of divine tru th .

Christ who is not only th e fulfillment of th e ceremonies b u t 'faho perfectly fulfilled every moral requ irem en t (Rom. 10 :4 ; Matt. 5:17, 18; Gal. 3 ;24 ; Heb. 7:12 -19 ). Christians th erefo re no longer are under th e Aaronic priesthood nor the Jew ish law (Rom. 7 :6 ; 6 :1 4 ). The righteousness of th e law is fulfilled in us who walk a fte r th e ¡spirit (Rom. 8 :4 ; Gal. 5:13, 14, 18). This is cer­ tainly not liberty to licentiousness and self indulgence as Adventists infer against o ther churches (2 Cor. 3:3, 6; 1 Pet. 2 :5 ). Christians will be judged by the Gospel of Christ (Jno. 12:48-50; Rom. 2 :16 ; Matt. 17 :5 ; Gal. 6 :2 ; Matt. 28:18, 20; Jno. 14:15, 21; 15 :10 ; 1 Cor. 14:37, etc.). W ith the one exception of th e Jewish Sabbath th e other nine commands of th e decalogue are reaffirmed in th e New T estam ent in some form or other. There is no t a Christian duty b u t is ta u g h t by Christ. The Old Testam ent is to be studied in th e ligh t of th e New and modified by it. Nothing is requ ired of Christians simply because it is in the Old T estam ent law which belonged to an old dispensation and to th e Jewish people. Here th e seventh day contro­ versy fails, th ere being no requirem ent in the New T estam ent to keep it and its abrogation being plainly ta u g h t '(Col. 2:16, 14). It would seem th a t Adventists do teach th a t the law of Moses was not abrogated except th a t you pick ou t from th e law certain ceremonies which you would find it most inconvenient in. these days to attem p t to carry out. On page seven of the booklet which you enclose is th e statem en t “This law is imm utable and perpetu al.” I was v eiy glad to have th is booklet briefly setting fo rth your teachings. The statem en ts in th e very beginning of the tra c t concerning th e insufficiency of Christ’s atonem ent confirmed me in classing Adventism as I have in this

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