King's Business - 1919-08



Q lie Spirit ofTruth and Spirit of Error I JO H N 4:6 , A n Examination of Romanist Teachings in the Light of Scripture— being the Second in a Series of T ru th and Error Studies Recommended Bj) INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN TRUTH INVESTIGATION SOCIETY Stucr? No. i, “Spirit of Truth, etc.” sets forth teachings of sevenmodernheresies. THE SCR IPTURES TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: The Scriptures of th e Old and New Testam ents form only a small part of the Word of God. T hey are supple­ m ented by other equally inspired writings. Apocrypha, apostolic and ecclesiastical traditions. ARE ADDITIONS TO GOD'S WORD ALLOWABLE? Prov. 30: 5 Every w ord of God is p u re : he is a shield unto them th a t p u t th eir tru s t in him. 6 Add thou no t his w ords, lest he reprove thee, and th o u be found a liar. Rev. 20: 18 Foi* I testify unto every m an th a t h eareth th e w ord of th e pr.ophecy of th is book, If any m an shall add u n to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues th a t are' w ritten in th is book. Deut. 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the w ord w hich I comm and youj neith er shall ye dim inish au g h t from it, th a t ye m ay keep the comm and­ m ents of the Lord your God w hich I comm and you. IF A WRITING CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE, CAN IT BE OF GOD? Isa. 8: 20 To th e law and to the testim o n y : if they speak not ac­ cording to th is w ord, it is because th ere is no lig h t in them . IS THE APOCRYPHA INSPIRED? Had no place in Old Testam ent canon. N ot quoted by Christ or apostles. Claims no inspiration. Some of its writers dis­ claim it. Contains doctrines contradicting Scripture. Not considered inspired by Catholic Church until Council of Trent. ARE THE TRADITIONS. INSPIRED ? Never heard of till given out by monks in middle centuries. N ever included in Scripture. Contradicts Scriptur.e. M ost promi­ nent doctrines of Catholicism founded on the traditions. M t. 15: 3 B ut he answ ered and said unto them , W hy do ye also tra n sg re ss the comm andm ent of God by your trad itio n ? 6 T hus have ye m ade the comm andm ent of God of none effect by your tradition. 9 B ut in vain they do w orship me, teaching for doctrines the comm andm ents of men. CATHOLICISM: The Scriptures must be understood only as inter­ preted by the church. They contain passages apt to be m isunderstood by the laity to their destruction. IS INDIVIDUAL BIBLE STUDY ESSENTIAL TO CHRISTIAN GROWTH? 1 P eter 2: 2 As new bofn babes, desire the sincere m ilk of the word, th a t ye m ay grow thereby. A cts 17:11 T hese w ere m ore noble th an those in Thessalonica, in th a t they received the w ord w ith all readiness of m ind, and searched the S criptures daily, w hether those th in g s w ere so.

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