King's Business - 1919-08



Jo h n 5: 39 Search th e S crip tu res; for in them ye th in k ye have eternal life: and th e y are they w hich testify of me. . . . . Josh. 1:8: Thou sh alt m editate therein day and n ig h t th a t th o u m ayest observe to do according to all th a t is w ritten th erein : for then th o u sh alt m ake th y w ay prosperous, and th en th o u sh alt have good success. v 2 P et. is 19 W e have also a m ore sure w ord of .prophecy ; w here- u n to ye do well th a t ye take heed, as u n to a lig h t th a t sh in eth in a dark place, u n til the day dawn, and th e day sta r arise in your h earts. Rev. l: 3 B lessed is he th a t readeth, and they th a t hear the w ords of this prophecy, and keep those th in g s w hich are w ritten th erein : for th e tim e is a t hand. MUST THE BELIEVER HAVE THE BIBLE INTERPRETED FOR HIM BY ANY MAN ? 2 P et. 1: 20 K now ing th is first, th a t no prophecy of th e Scripture is of any p riv ate in terp retatio n . . Jno. 16: 13 H ow beit w hen he, th e Spirit of tru th , is come, he will guide you in to all tru th : for he shall n o t speak of him self; b u t w h atso ­ ever he shall hear, th a t shall he speak: and he will shew you things to c o m e ^ shall glorify m e: for he shall receive of m ine, and shall shew it unto you. CATHOLICISM: T he Roman church is the custodian of th e divine Word, and it was from her that the Scriptures w ere received. WHERE DID THE BIBLE COME FROM 7 The prim itive and apostolic churches. (Catholicism did not exist until 6th century). Vatican got possession of one of the oldest m anuscripts, but there are very many other old manuscripts. DO PROTESTANTS FIND FAULT WITH THE VATICAN BIBLE 7 No, con­ sider it one of the best manuscripts. Would be no protest if Romanists accepted their own Scriptures w ithout additions and subtractions. WHY ARE THE SCRIPTURES BARRED FROM CATHOLICS? Examination of some of the passages quoted in this folder may suggest. THE CHURCH TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: T he Roman church is the only holy and apostolic church. It is the true church. HOW FAR BACK DOES THE ROMAN CHURCH DATE? Sixth century. Its creed not formulated until 15th century. Pope took the Nicene Creed and added to it the beliefs of Pius IV, in 1564 WHAT DOES “CATHOLIC” MEAN? Universal. WHAT IS THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH? The whole body of those in the world, who profess belief in- Christ as Son of God and Savior of the world. John 3: 16 For God so loved the w orld, th a t he gave . his- only be­ g otten Son, th a t w hosoever believeth in him should no t perish, blit have ev erlastin g life. John 20: 31 B ut these are w ritten , th a t ye m ight believe th a t Jesu s is th e C hrist, th e Son of God; and th a t believing ye m ig h t have life th ro u g h .h is nam e. M t. 16: 16 A nd Sim on P e te r answ ered and said, Thqu a rt the C hrist, th e Son of the living God. 17 A nd Jesu s answ ered and said unto him , B lessed a rt thou, Simon B ar-jona: for flesh and blood h a th no t revealed it u n to thee, b u t my F a th e r w hich is in heaven. 18 A nd I say also unto thee, T h at thou a rt P eter, and upon th is rock I will build m y ch u rch ; and th e gates of hell shall no t prevail ag ain st it. WHAT IS THE TRUE CHURCH? It is comprised of all who have truly received Christ as personal Savior and been “born from above.” (John 3:3) regard­ less of denomination. All such are “given by the Father” to Christ. John 17: 3 A nd th is is life etern al, th a t they m ig h t know thee the only tru e God, and Jesu s C hrist, whom thou h a st sent. 24 F ath er, I will th a t they also, whom thou h ast given m e, be w ith m e w here I am ; th a t they m ay behold m y glory, w hich th o u h a st given m e: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. 1 Cor. 12: 13 F or by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, w hether we be Jew s or G entiles, w hether we be bond or free; and have been all m ade to drink into one Spirit.

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