King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S 723 CATHOLICISM: This church alone cannot err in transm ission of faith and discipline. T h e P ope as head of th e church and V icar of Christ is infallible. CAN ANY ONE CHURCH CLAIM TO BE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? No. There are truly saved persons in all churches where Christ is recognized as Son of God and H is Word taught. The body of TRUE believers, make up the TRUE, or invisible church. CATHOLICISM: T he Roman church possesses th e Holy See, the legitim ate successor of Peter, prince of th e Apostles. It is thé one church founded on Christ and H is Apostles. DID ROMANISM EXIST IN DAYS OF APOSTLES? N ot till sixth century. There was a church in Rome, same as Jerusalem, Corinth andother places, but no resemblance in doctrine or governm ent to the Roman Catholic.The oldest churches were at Antioch and Jerusalem. IS THERE EVIDENCE THAT PETER WAS FIRST PO PE? Absolutely none. No record he was ever in Rome. H e was the apostle to the JEWS. DID PETER CLAIM TO BE THE ROCK ON WHICH THE CHURCH WAS BUILT? H e disclaim s any such idea. 1 P et. 2: 4 To whom com ing, as unto a living stone, disallow ed indeed of m en, b u t chosen of God, and precious. 5 Ye also, as lively stones, are b u ilt up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up sp iritu al sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesu s C hrist. 6 W herefore also it is contained in the S cripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he th a t believeth on him shall no t be confounded. (P eter w as th e m ost fallible of all th e apostles. See M t. 16:22, 23; Gal. 2:11). 1 Cor. 3: 11 For o th er foundation can no m an lay th an th a t is, laid, w hich sis Jesu s C hrist. ON WHAT WAS THE CHURCH FOUNDED? Peter him self interprets Mt. 16:18 (quoted above) in 1 Pet. 2:4-6 (just quoted) Peter confessed Christ as Son of God. The church is founded on THIS Rock. See also Eph. 2:20. WHERE DO ROMANISTS GET THESE CREDENTIALS? From their own interpretations of Scripture, for which interpretations they claim infallibility. None of the Scripture they use contains the slightest allusion to the Roman church. CAN THE CHURCH HAVE MORE THAN ONE HEAD ? Eph. 5:23: As C hrist is th e head of th e ch u rch : and he is the Saviour of th e body. Col. 1: 18 A nd he is th e head of. th e body, th e church: who is the beginning, th e first-born from the dead; th a t in all th in g s he m ight have the preem inence. WHO IS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF CHRIST IN THE WORLD? The Holy Spirit. Jo h n 14: 26 B u t w hen the C om forter is come, whom I will send unto you from the F ath er, even th e Spirit of tru th , w hich procëedeth from th e F ath er, he shall testify of me. Jo h n 16: 7 N evertheless I tell you the tru th ; I t is expedient for you th a t I go aw ay ; for if I go no t aw ay, the C om forter will ho t come unto you; b u t if I depart, I will send him unto you. THE PA PA C Y TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: T he P ope is supreme, not only over the church, but kings and nations. H e is the Lord of all kings and all peoples. WHEN WAS THIS CLAIM TO SUPREMACY FIRST ASSERTED? In 741. WHO ALONE IS TO HAVE PRE-EM INENCE? M att. 23: 9 A nd call no m an your fath er upon th e earth : for one is your F ath er, w hich is in heaven. 10 N either be ye called .m asters: for one is your M aster, even C hrist. See also Col. 1:18 preceeding page. WHAT SCRIPTURE DOES THE POPE PLEAD? H is own interpretation of Matt. 16:18, 19. (See under Church).

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