King's Business - 1919-08



DID CHRIST GIVE MORE AUTHORITY TO PETER THAN ANY OTHER APOSTLE? No. M att. 20: 25 B ut Jesu s called them^ unto him , and said, Ye know th a t the princes of th e i G entiles exercise dom inion over them , and they th a t are g reat exercise au th o rity upon them . 26 B u t it shall no t be, so am ong you: b u t w hosoever will be g reat am ong you, let him be your m inister. 27 A nd w hosoever will be chief am ong you, let him be your servant. 1 P et. 5:1: The elders w hich are am ong you I exhort, w ho am also elder. Rev. 21: 14 A nd th e wall of th e city had tw elve foundations, and in them the nam es of th e tw elve apostles of th e Lamb. 2 Cor. 11:1: (P aul says) I w as no t a w hit behind the very chiefest apostles. 28 Beside those th in g s th a t ,are w ithout, th a t w hich com eth upon m e daily, the care of all the churches. WHO PRESIDED AT THE ONLY APOSTOLIC COUNCIL OF THE EARLY CHURCH? Jam es. Peter claimed no headship and didn’t even speak first. (A cts 15). DOES MATT. 16:19 COMMISSION PETER AS POPE? No. Peter opened the door of the Gospel to the Jews at Pentecost (A cts 2:38-42) and to the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius (A cts 10:34-46) He assum ed no other authority. WHAT WAS THE POWER OF BINDING AND LOOSING (MATT. 16:19)? It had nothing to do w ith the destiny of souls. Jesus alone holds the keys of destiny. Binding and loosing refers to spiritual discernm ent (word “bind”, is literally, “dis­ cern”) of affairs in the church. N ote that they did not bind PERSONS, but THINGS (“whatsoever,” not “whosoever”) John 20:22, 23. Refers to such things as ceremonies and old testam ent law s apt to be brought by Jew s into the early church. Rev. 1: 18 I am he th a t liveth, and w as dead; and, behold, I am alive for everm ore, Am en; and have the keys of hell and of death. WERE THESE POWERS FOR PETER ALONE? Given to all disciples alike. DID PETER OR ANY APOSTLE EVER HAVE SUCH TITLES AS GIVEN THE PO PE? (Holy Father; H is H oliness; Our M ost H oly Lord, the Pope) Never. CATHOLICISM: T he P ope at his coronation, sits in the seat where God alone i* supposed to sit, and is adored by cardinals on bended knees, who kiss his right hand and his feet. WOULD PETER OR ANY APOSTLE COUNTENANCE WORSHIP? A cts 10: 25 A nd as P e te r w as com ing in, Cornelius m et him , and fell down a t his feet, and w orshipped him . 26 B ut P e te r took him up, saying, S tand up ; I m yself also am a m an. . •. . # Rev. 19: 10 A nd I fell a t his feet to w orship him . A nd he said unto me, See th o u do it n o t: I am th y fellow serv an t, and of th y b reth ren th a t have th e testim ony of Je su s: w orship GcJd: for th e testim ony Qf Jesu s is' th e sp irit of prophecy. ^ * Rev. 22: 8 A nd I Jo h n saw these th in g s, and heard them . And w hen I had heard and seen, I fell down to w orship before the feet of the angel w hich shew ed m e these things. 9 T hen saith he u n to me, See th o u do it n o t: for I am th y fellow serv an t, and of th y brethren^ the prophets, and of them w hich keep th e sayings of th is book: w orship God. TO WORSHIP ANYONE SAVE JESUS CHRIST WHO WAS “GOD MANI­ FEST IN THE FLESH” IS WHAT? Idolatry. M att. 4: 10 T hen saith Jesu s# unto him , Gdt thee hence,^ S atan: for it is w ritten , T hou sh alt w orship th e L ord th y God, and him only sh alt thou serve. THE PRIESTHOOD TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: The Roman priests stand between God and the sinner and there is no access to God but through them . DOES ANY MERE MAN HAVE AUTHORITY TO STAND BETWEEN A SINNER AND GOD? No, there is only one Mediator. M att. 11: 28 Come unto me, all ye th a t labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ■ , . . i _ . 1 Tim . 2: 5 F o r th ere is one God, and one m ediator betw een God and m en, th e m an C hrist Jesus.

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