King's Business - 1919-08



WHAT IS THE ONLY ACCESS INTO GOD’S PRESENCE? The blood of Jesus Christ. Heb. 4: 14 Seeing th en th a t we have a g reat high p riest, th a t is passed into the heavens, Jesu s th e Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. . • 15 F o r we have n o t a high p riest w hich cannot be touched w ith the feeling of o u r infirm ities; b u t w as in all points tem pted like as we are, y e t w ith o u t sin. 16 L et us therefore come boldly u n to the th ro n e of grace, th a t we m ay obtain m ercy, and find grace to help in tim e of need! Heb. 10: 19 H aving therefore, b reth ren , boldness to en ter into the holiest by th e blood of Jesus. 20 By a new and living w ay w hich he h a th consecrated for us th ro u g h th e vail th a t is to say, his flesh. 21 A nd h aving a high p rie st over the house of God. 22 L et us draw n ear w ith a tru e h eart in fpll assurance of faith. SINCE CHRIST'S SACRIFICE WAS ACCOMPLISHED, ARE PRIEST^ LONGER NEEDED ? No. Heb. 10: 8 Above w hen he Said, Sacrifice and offering and b u rn t offerings and offering for sin th o u w ouldest not, n eith er h ad st pleasure th erein ; w hich are offered by th e law ; 9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do th y w ill, O God. He ta k e th aw ay th e first, th a t he m ay establish th e second. 10 By th e w hich will we are sanctified th ro u g h th e offering of the body of Jesu s C hrist once for all. H eb. 9: 11 B ut C hrist being come a high p rie st of good th in g s to come, by a g reater and m ore perfect tabernacle, no t m ade w ith hands, th a t is to say, no t of th is building. 12 N either by th e blood of goats and calves, b u t by his own blood he entered in once into th e holy place, hav in g obtained etern al redem p­ tion for us. | . . Heb. 7: 11 If therefore perfection w ere by th e L evitical priesthood, (for u nder it th e people received th e law,) w hat fu rth er need was th ere th a t an o th er p riest should rise after th e order of M elchisedec, and no t be called a fter the order of A aron ? • . 12 For th e priesthood being changed, th ere is m ade of necessity a change also of th e law. 22 By so m uch w as Jesu s m ade a su rety of a b e tte r testam en t. 23 A nd they tru ly w ere m any p riests, because they w ere no t suf­ fered to continue by reason of death: 24 B u t th is m an, because he con tin u eth ever, h ath an unchangeable ■ priesthood. 25 W herefore he is able also to save them to the u tte rm o st th a t com t unto God by him , seeing he ever liv eth to m ake intercession for them . Christ. WHAT IS THE ONLY MEDIATORIAL PRIESTHOOD? That of Jesus Heb. 3: 1 W herefore, holy b reth ren , p artak ers of the heavenly calling, consider th e A postle and H igh P riest of ou r profession, C hrist Jesu s. ' Heb. 7: 26 For such a high p riest becam e us, who is holy, harm less, undefiled, separate from sinners,, and m ade hig h er th a n the heavens.^ 27 W ho needeth no t daily, as those high p rie sts,' to offer up sacri­ fice, first for his own sins. Heb. 10: 11 A nd every p riest standeth. daily m in isterin g and offer­ in g oftentim es th e sam e sacrifices, w hich can never take aw ay sins. 12 B ut th is m an, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat' down on th e rig h t hand of God. ' ^ ; 13 From henceforth expecting till his enem ies be m ade his footstool. 14 F or by one offering he h a th perfected for ever them th a t are sanctified. IN WHAT SENSE ONLY IS THERE AN EARTHLY PRIESTHOOD? Rev. 1:5: U nto him th a t loved us, and w ashed us from , our sins ? in his own blood. 6 A nd h ath m ade us kings and p riests unto God and his F a th e r; to him be glory and dom inion for ever, and ever. Amen. _ (Literally., “a kingdom of p rie sts”). All tru e believers are p riests, m in isterin g to God th ro u g h Jesu s C hrist. WERE APOSTLES EVER APPOINTED PRIESTS OVER THE PEOPLE? N o reference to such a comm ission. WERE THEY EVER CALLED PR IESTS? No. See 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11; M t. 23:9, 10.

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