King's Business - 1919-08



CATHOLICISM: and pow er to offer that Priest* have pow er over the real body of Christ body in sacrifice. DUTIES ?D n I HE OF? ER1NG OF SACRIFICE HAVE ANY PLACE IN THEIR for « 1 1 Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offerings sin, thou wouldst not, neither hadst pleasure therein.

CATHOLICISM: Every priest holds office in the line of unbroken succession from Peter.


. CATHOLICISM: Even those priests who are living in mortal sin cil of Trent ame funct,on of forgiving sins as m inisters of Christ. (C oun-

service *?AT kind of human channels does god require for his M f f l W K H 11 D epart ye, depart, ye, go ye ou t from thence, touch no v e sse ff o ? Uie’ Lord * ° Ut ° f tb e m idst of h er; be ye clean, th a t bear the 2 Tim . 2: 21 If a m an therefore purge him self from these, he shall preparedSSuntUonev err0goodTork ’ * "1 f°r the maSter’s use’ and tem perate* & lover of hospitality, a lover of good m en, sober, ju s t, holy mav h,?aw !.n^L fast thS hnlhful word as he hath been taught, that he g a in s a y e ri' by S° Und doctrme both t0 exhort and to convince the GIVING sm ?ANN „Ml N{,CLE^ N OR FILTH.Y> HAVE the function of for - r b i 4 j 1, N o' A hypocrite may som etim es preach God’s Word, and because God’s Word "cannot return unto Him void,” som e may be saved by receiv in T ih e Word preached-but forgiveness of sin conies through Jesus Christ aloM a n l the assurance of it, by sim ply taking God at H is word. CATHOLICISM: T he priest must act with due intention while per­ form ing his priestly duties or his services are not effectual. » h a o i n t X ^ i i ,13. MEANT BY “iNTENTiON?” For inltance> if he shouId iye év i?1 thout being: intent; in the m atter, the sins would not be forgiven. How? acted w tÌé lu e ‘"in ten tìo n /’Wa* ” * “ hÌ8 ,,ervice, would be *ffectual if he «“ ly ifNthReE^ . R.? i ° ° ™ s ! A* cEs he Christ, w h o « H^ d tn d ° workIScan™tE R E . CERTAINTY IN SPIRITUAL THINGS? lb , i L 1! The/ ^ ? lave 1 wr1itten unto you th at believe on o« i * th S£ ,.of God; t h a t ye m ay know th a t ye have eternal life, and th a t ye m ay believe on the nam e, of the Son of God. ' H eb- 13: 8 J esu s C hrist th e sam e y esterd ay , and today, and forever SALVATION . . TEACHING OF CATHOUC ISM : Baptism is the instrumental cause of justification. T he grace purchased by Christ’s death can flow only through the hands of the.priesthood. THE S^^VATIO n ' o F^ALL^WHO " v ^TLI^TRL^T^IN^ h Y m ^ AN° SUFFICIENT F ° R tion t h r i s :in^ChrTsntV eT u sfied; freeIy by ^ ^ th r° Ugh the redem p- 26 To declare, I say, a t th is tim e his rig h teo u sn ess: th a t he m ight be ju st, and the ju stifier of him w hich believeth in Jesus. has

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