King's Business - 1919-08



22 E ven the rig h teo u sn ess of God w hich is by faith of Jesu s C hrist unto all and upon all them th a t believe; for th ere is no difference. Rom. 10: 4 F or C hrist is th e end of th e law for rig h teo u sn ess to every one th a t believeth. i | Col. 1: 14 In whom we have redem ption th ro u g h his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. . .■ , , . . Gal, 3: 13 C hrist h a th redeem ed us from th e curse of th e law, being m ade a curse for us: for it is w ritten , C ursed is every one th a t hangeth on a tree. . . .. . ... , , „ A cts 13: 39 A nd by him all th a t believe are justified from all things, from w hich ye could no t be justified by th e law of Moses. IS SIMPLE TRUST IN HIS FINISHED WORK ALL THAT IS REQUIRED? Rom. 3: 28 Therefore we conclude th a t a m an is j'ustified by faith w ithout the deeds of th e law. , John 3: 18 H e th a t believeth on him is no t condem ned: b u t he th a t believeth no t is condem ned already, because he h a th no t believed in the nam e of the only b egotten Son of God. f 36 H e th a t believeth on the Son h a th ev erlastin g life: and he th a t believeth no t th e Son shall no t see life; b u t th e w rath of God abideth on him . - . John 1: 12 B ut as m any as received him , to them gave he p o w er to becom e th e sons of God, even to them th a t believe on his nam e. Jo h n 6:29: T hisis th e w ork of God, th a t ye believe on him whom he h a th sent. . „ t . . 37 All th a t the F a th e r giveth me shall come to m e; and him th a t com eth to m e I will in no w ise c ast out. „ , , , Jo h n 5: 24 V erily, verily, I say unto you, H e th a t h eareth m y word, and believeth on him th a t sen t me, h a th ev erlastin g life,and shall not come into condem nation; b u t is passed from d eath unto life. A cts 16: 31 A nd they said, Believe on th e Lord Jesu s C hrist, and thou sh alt be saved, and th y house. DOES BAPTISM HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SALVATION? It is to be an accompaniment of salvation. Baptism does not EFFECT salvation but EXPRESSES it. A cts 2: 41 Then th ey th a t gladly received his w ord w ere baptized. A cts 18: 8 A nd C rispus, th e chief ru ler of th e synagogue, believed on the L ord w ith all his house; and m any of th e C orinthians hearing believed, and w ere baptized. : . , . . . , . A cts 8: 12 B u t w hen th ey believed Philip preaching th e th in g s con­ cerning the kingdom of God, and th e nam e of Jesu s C hrist, th ey w ere baptized, b o th m en and women. | . A cts 8:36: A nd the eunuch said, See, here is w ater; w hat dpth hinder me to be baptized? .................... 37 A nd Philip said, If th o u believ est w ith all .thine h eart, th o u m ay- est. A nd he answ ered and said, I believe th a t Jesu s C h rist is th e Son of God. . .,1 j , 38 A nd he comm anded the chariot to stan d still: and they w ent down b o th into th e w ater, b o th P hilip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. It shows in figure the believer’s death and burial to sin and resurrection with Christ. Rem . 6: 4 Therefore we are buried w ith him by baptism into death: th a t like as C hrist was raised up from the dead by th e glory of the F ath er, even so we also should w alk in new ness of life. CATHOLICISM: If any man shall say that justifying faith is simply trust in the divine m ercy rem itting sin for Christ's sake, or that it is by faith that w e are justified, let him be accursed. WHOM DOES THE BIBLE CURSE? Those who preach salvation by works instead of grace alone. Gal. 1: 6 1 m arvel th a t ye are so soon rem oved from him th a t trailed you into th e grace of C hrist u n to ano th er gospel: 7 W hich is no t an o th er; b u t th ere be som e th a t trouble you, and would p e rv e rt the gospel*of C hrist. , • 8 B u t th o u g h we, or an angel from heaven, preach any o th er gospel unto you th an th a t w hich we have preached u n to you, let him be accursed.

CATHOLICISM: T he sinner must work out his own justification by his deeds. Christ by his death purchased not acceptance, or eternal life,

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