King's Business - 1919-08



but the infusion of grace, obtained only through the sacraments, that they m ight by their own works merit acceptance. CAN ONE’S OWN MERITS ENTER INTO THEIR SALVATION? N o human being can merit everlasting life in heaven. T it. 3: 5 N ot by w orks of rig h teo u sn ess w hich we have done, b u t according to h is' m ercy he saved us, by th e w ashing of regeneration', and renew ing of the H oly G host. ^ 6 W hich he shed on us abundantly th ro u g h Jesu s C hrist our Saviour. , . Eph. 2: 8 F o r by grace are ye saved th ro u g h faith ; and th a t not of y o u rselv es: it is th e g ift of God. 9 N ot of works, le st any m an should boast. Gal. 3: 10 F o r as m any as are of th e w orks of the law are under the cu rse: for it is w ritten . C ursed is every one th a t contin u eth no t in all , th in g s w hich are w ritten in the book of th e law to do them . 11 B u t th a t no m an is ju stified by th e law in th e sig h t of God, it is evident: for, The ju s t shall live by faith. See also Rom. 4:5; 2 Tim . 1:9; Rom. 11:6; Gal. 2:21. CAN AN “INFUSION OF GRACE" FROM ANY SOURCE REMOVE THE GUILT OF SIN ALREADY COMMITTED? The blood of Christ only can rem ove guilt. 1 Jo h n 1:7: The blood of Jesu s C hrist his Son cleanseth us from all sin. . . . Heb. 9:22: W ith o u t shedding of blood th ere is no rem ission. MAY JUSTIFICATION BE WORKED OUT IN ANY W AY ? Lk. 16: 15 A nd he said unto them , Ye are th ey w hich ju stify y o u r­ selves before m en ; b u t God know eth your h e a rts : for th a t w hich is highly esteem ed am ong m en is abom ination in th e sig h t of God. Gal. 2: 16 K now ing th a t a m an is no t justified by th e w orks of th e law , b u t by th e faith of Jesu s C hrist, even we have believed in Jesu s C hrist, th a t we m ig h t be justified by the faitji of C hrist, and no t by th e w orks of th e law : for by th e w orks of th e law shall no flesh b4.justified. CATHOLICISM: Christ’s merits may secure deliverance from hell, but not from sin’s punishm ent in purgatory. H is merits being m ore than sufficient to deliver from, hell, th e balance is comm itted to th e P ope as a celestial fund to be disposed of in indulgences for shortening punishm ent in purgatory. WHEN WAS THE ROMISH PURGATORY INTRODUCED? Close of sixth century, and not made an article of faith until 1439 (Council of Florence). WHERE IS THE ONLY PURGATORY OF THE BIBLE? The cross of Jesus Christ. The Bible nowhere mentions such a place as the Romish purgatory. Heb. 1: 3 W(ho being th e b rig h tn ess of his glory, and th e express im age of his person, and upholding all th in g s by th e w ord of his power, w hen he had by him self purged o u r sins, sat down on the rig h t hand of th e M ajesty on high. DOES THE SPIRIT OF ONE WHO HAS TRUSTED CHRIST GO TO A PURGATORY AT DEATH? Lk. 23: 42 A nd he said u n to Jesu s, Lord, rem em ber m e w hen thou com est into th y kingdom . 43 A nd Jesu s said unto him , V erily I say unto thee, To day sh^lt th o u be w ith me in paradise, ^ . . ' . Phil. 1: 23 F o r I am in a s tra it betw ixt tw o, having a desire to d epart and to be w ith C h rist; w hich is far better. IS THERE IN THE BIBLE ANY HINT OF “INDULGENCES" OR OF AFFECTING IN ANY WAY THE CONDITION OF ONE WHO HAS D IED ? Abso­ lutely none. This idea was made an article of faith in Roman Church, 1439.

2 Cor. 6: 2 (F o r he saith , I have heard thee in a tim e accepted, and in th e day of salvation have I succoured th e e : behold; now is ' the accepted tim e; behold, now is th e day of salvation.) Heb. 2: 3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so g reat salvation; w hich a t th e first began to be spoken by th e Lord, and was confirm ed u n to us by them th a t heard him ?

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