King's Business - 1919-08



THE LORD ’S SUPPER TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: T he holy eucharist is the real body and blood o i Christ under th e outward appearance of bread and w ine. T he elem ents are changed truly and substantially into body and blood, soul and divinity, bones and sinew s of Christ. WHEN WAS THIS IDEA ADOPTED BY ROMAN CHURCH? 1Z1S (Council of Lateran). HOW DO ROMANISTS GET THE DOCTRINE OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION ? They say Christ’s words “This IS m y body” m ust be taken literally. LW. 22: 19 A nd he took bread, and gave th an k s, and brake it, and gave u n to them , saying, T his is m y body w hich is given for you: th is do in rem em brance of me. IS SUCH INTERPRETATION WARRANTED? N ot unless the same method is used in other passages. “I AM the door”—“This cup IS the new covenant The seven kine ARE th e seven years,’” etc. WAS THE LORD'S SUPPER DESIGNED TO BE A SACRIFICE? No, it was to commemorate the FINISHED SACRIFICE of Calvary, “This do IN REMEM­ BRANCE of me.” Christ H im self took the bread and broke it. Did H e then have tw o bodies, one living and one dead? H e tells us to do this “till H e comes. When He comes w ill H e have one body in the air and another on the altars of Rome? CATHOLICISM: In it Christ is offered a propitiatory sacrifice to God for the living and the dead. T he transubstantiated wafer and w ine are to be adored as Christ. IS IT POSSIBLE TO REPEAT THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST? It is forbidden. It has been done ONCE FOR ALL. ' - , . . H eb. 9: 25 N or y et th a t he should offer him self often, as th e high p rie st en te re th into th e holy place every y ear w ith blood of others. 26 For th en m u st he often have suffered since th e foundation of the w orld: b u t now once in the end of the w orld h a th he appeared to p u t aw ay sin by the sacrifice o f him self. - . . . , , , . 12 N either by th e blood of goats and calves, b u t by his own blood he .en te re d in once in to th e holy place, hav in g obtained etern al redem ption ° r Heb. 10: 10 By the w hich will we are sanctified th ro u g h th e offering of th e body of Jesu s C hrist once for all. . . . 11 A nd every p rie st stan d eth daily m in isterin g and offering often­ tim es th e sam e sacrifices, w hich can never take aw ay sins; 12 B ut th is m an, a fter he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sa l down on th e rig h t hand of God. . . . . , . .. Rom. 0:8: Now if we be dead w ith C hrist, \fre believe th a t we shall Nalso live w ith him. The Lord's Supper is not a SACRIFICE, but a CELEBRATION. 1 1 is a “show­ ing forth” of som ething already done. In the ordinance the believer REMEMBERS H is sacrifice, acknowledges H is present power and looks forward to H is coming again. 1 Cor. 11: 26 F o r as often as ye eat th is bread, and drink th is cup, ye do shew th e L ord’s death till he come. ARE ROMANISTS IMPUGNING THE SUFFICIENCY OF CHRIST'S SACRI­ FICE? Yes, and read Heb. 6:6. g i , 0 ■ & Heb. 6:6: Seeing th ey crucify to them selves th e Son of God afresh, and p u t him to an open sham e. j .Sg .1 Rom. 6: 9 K now ing th a t C h rist being raised from th e dead dieth no m ore; d eath h a th ho m ore dom inion over him . WHERE IS CHRIST'S BODY? In heaven (Phil. 2:8, 9) and never to be hum iliated again. CATHOLICISM: T h e w ine may be taken only by the priests. Bread only is for th e laity. WHEN WAS THE IDEA INTRODUCED? 1414 (Council of Constance). WERE BOTH BREAD AND W INE ADMINISTERED IN APOSTOLIC TIMES? They ALL drank. , , , , , . ' , • . . Mk. 14: 23 A nd he took th e cup, an d w hen he had. given th an k s, he gave it to th em : and they all d rank of it. M t. 26: 27 A nd he took the cup, and gave th an k s, and gave it to them , saying, D rink ye all of it.

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