King's Business - 1919-08


THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S CATHOLICISM: The sam e Jesus who was offered on the cross is daily ottered on th e altars of th e church. Masses m ay be held for th e bene­ fit of souls in purgatory. (T h ese are paid for by surviving relatives and friends.) Protestants have no sacrifice, having abolished the mass. IS THERE ANY BIBLE REFERENCE TO OFFERING MASSES? any warrant for making the Lord’s supper a thing of merchandise. No, nor DOES THE MASS “SET FORTH” CHRIST OR OBSCURE HIM? It fixes attention on the professed miracle-working priest and the "divine wafer” in which th e trust of the people is centered. It puts salvation into the hands of the priests, which is tne sole reason for Rome’s interpretation. IS IT POSSIBLE TO IS REAL BLOOD? It TELL WHETHER OR NOT *'TRANSUBSTANTIATED m ight be demonstrated by drinking a little too much . , PO PROTESTANTS HAVE A SACRIFICE? Yes, if they are true believers m the Lord Jesus Christ. Isa. S3: 5 B u t he w as w ounded for ou r tran sg ressio n s, he was bruised for our iniquities: the ch astisem en t of o u r peace was upon him ; and w ith his strip es we are healed. MAR IO LATRY AND IMAGE WORSHIP . c . TEACHING OF CATHOLICISM: Mary is omnipotent in pow er and infinite m m ercy and is to he adored as queen of heaven and angels. She was immaculate. (C alled Mother of God, Refuge of Sinners, Gate of Heaven, Mother of Mercies, Spouse of the H oly Ghost, Propitiatory of the World, etc.) “ Scotus, 1301, the subject of bitter contention for centuries after and not proclaimed a doctrine until 1854 (Pius IX). DOES SCRIPTURE ACCORD MARY ATTRIBUTES OF DEITY? She was as helpless as any other woman outside of the Grace of God. Lk. 1; 46 A nd M ary said, My soul doth m agnify th e Lord. 1 49 r or he th a t is m ighty h ath done to me g reat th in g s: and holy is nis nam e. . 2: 22 A nd w hen th e days of h er purification according to the law of M oses w ere accom plished, they b ro u g h t him to Jerusalem , to p resen t him to th e Lord. Savior. She herself recognized the Son who was conceived in her m riaculously as her Lk. 1: 47 A nd m y sp irit h a th rejoiced in God m y Saviour. WAS WORSHIP EVER ACCORDED MARY? It w as accorded the Babe, but never its motner. DID JESUS RECOGNIZE MARY AS MORE THAN HUMAN? Jo h n 2: 3 A nd w hen they w anted wine, the m o th er of Jesu s saith u n to him , They have no wine. 4 Jesu s saith unto her, W om an, w hat have I to do w ith thee? m ine hour is no t y et come. Jo h n 19: 26 W hen Jesu s therefore saw his m other, and th e disciple stan d in g by, whom he loved, he saith unto his m other, W om an, behold th y sonI 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold th y m other! hour th a t disciple took h er unto his own home. A nd from th a t DID MARY HOLD ANY SUPERIOR PLACE IN THE EARLY CHURCH? She was in the prayer m eeting w ith the rest and is not mentioned thereafter. . v r j W^?„,TIÎÎS TEACHING ABOUT MARY INTRODUCED? Advocated A cts 1: 14 These all continued w ith one accord in p ray er and sup- plication, w ith the women, and M ary th e m o th er of Jesu s, and w ith his b rethren. H U M A ^ S I D E ^ ^ ™ E MOTHER OF CHRIST, AS GOD, OR MERELY FROM THE Lk. 1: 30 A nd th e angel said u n to her, F ear not, M ary: for th o u h a st found favour w ith God. 31 A nd, behold, th o u sh alt conceive in th y womb, and b rin e forth a son, and sh alt call his nam e JESU S. W INE of it.

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