King's Business - 1919-08



34 T hen said M ary u n to th e angel, How shall th is be, seeing I know n e t a m an? 35 A nd th e angel answ ered and said u n to her, The H oly G host shall come upon thee, and th e pow er of th e H ig h est shall overshadow thee: therefore also th a t holy th in g w hich shall be born of thee shall be called th e Son of God. . WHAT IS THE ONE COMMANDMENT OF MARY? John 2:5 “W hatsoever He saith unto you do it/' IS JESUS ALONE SUFFICIENT AS THE SUCCOR OF SINNERS? He is the ONLY succor. Heb. 2: 18 For in th a t he him self h ath suffered b eing tem pted, he is able to succour them th a t are tem pted. Heb. 4: 14 Seeing th en th a t we have a g reat highi p riest, th a t is passed in to th e heavens, Jesu s th e Son of God, let us hold fast our p ro ­ fession. 15 F o r we have n o t a high p riest w hich cannot be touched w ith the feeling of our in firm ities; b u t w as in all points tem pted like as we are, y et w ith o u t sin. 16 L et us therefore come boldly unto th e th ro n e of grace, th a t we m ay obtain m ercy, and find grace tp help in tim e of need. CATHOLICISM: Images of Christ and th e virgin m other of God and saints are to be retained in the churches, and to them due veneration is to be offered (C ouncil of T ren t). Incense is offered before these images, the people kiss them , uncover their heads in their presence and repeat spe­ cial prayers before them . ARE IMAGES STRICTLY FORBIDDEN? Strictly se. Ex. 20: 4 Thou sh alt no t m ake u n to thee any graven im age, or any likeness of a n y th in g th a t is in heaven above, or th a t is in the earth beneath, or th a t is in th e w ater under th e earth. Isa. 42: 8 1 am th e L ord; th a t is m y nam e: and m y glory w ill I no t give to another, n eith er m y praise to graven im ages. Isa. 44: 9 They th a t m ake a graven im age are all of them v an ity ; and th e ir delectable th in g s shall n o t profit; and th ey are th eir own w it­ n esses; th ey see no t, n o r know ; th a t they m ay be asham ed. DOES THE ARGUMENT THAT ROMANISTS WORSHIP NOT THE IMAGES, BUT THE ORIGINALS WHOM THEY REPRESENT, HAVE ANY FORCE? No because they differentiate between certain im ages of the sam e form, ascribing to sam e miraculous powers and conceding to som e special honors refused to others. W hatever the theory is, the practice is the worship of im ages. The only Bible name for it is IDOLATRY. CATHOLICISM: W e may invoke angels and saints and have re­ course to their prayers and aid for getting benefits from God. By their own merits they can obtain blessings for us. WHEN WAS THIS IDEA INTRODUCED? Close of sixth century. WHAT DOES PRAYING TO SAINTS AND ANGELS IMPLY? That they have omnipresence and omniscience, attributes belonging only to the Godhead. IS THERE A SCRIPTURE HINT TH A T ' DEPARTED SAINTS CAN HEAR PRAYER? N ot one. Eccl. 9:6: N either have they any m ore a portion for ever in any th in g th a t is done under th e sun. IS THERE MORE THAN ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN? 1 Tim . 2: 5 F o r th ere is one God, and one m ediator betw een God and m en, th e m an C hrist Jesus. Jo h n 14: 6 Jesu s saith unto him , I am th e w ay, th e tru th , and the Col. 2: 18 L et no m an beguile you of your rew ard in a voluntary hum ility and w orshipping of angels, in tru d in g in to those th in g s w hich he h ath no t seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. WHY FORBIDDEN? Because angels are but created servants, therefore cannot be worshipped w ithout idolatry. See Heb. 1:5-13 (Booklet from which this study compiled by K. L. B. is taken will contain treatm ent also of other spurious Roman Sacraments) life: no m an com eth unto th e F ath er, b u t by me. IS ANGEL WORSHIP FORBIDDEN? Strictly.

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