King's Business - 1919-08


R em arkable R epo rt P rom Dr. K eller Dear F riend s and Fellow W orkers: As we have been reading th e reports of the past m onth’s work done by our six p arties of evangelists th e words of our Master have BIBLE INSTITUTE come to us w ith IN CHINA fresh power: “The harvest indeed is plenteous b u t th e laborers are few; pray ye th erefo re th e Lord of th e h a r­ vest, th a t He send fo rth laborers into H is h arv est.” Blessed resu lts were gran ted during th e previous month in th e d istrict where the men ,of P arty No. 3 were working before they came to Gwanhsu. There were over seventy who could be called inquirers, and of these thirty-six were specially earn est and sfncere. Be­ fore, ouir evangelists le ft them they organized theselves into a prayer society to meet every evening for united prayer and the study of God’s Word. They appointed a leader and assistan t .leader, they have made provision for lights and other incidental expenses, and will meet in th e homes of th e different members un til such tim e as they can secure a room large enough to serve as a perm a­ n en t meeting place. When our evangel­ ists left them the humble villagers made them presents of cakes, and escorted them a long distance w ith earn est ex­ pressions of love and g ratitude. Sim ilar repo rts have come from the o ther parties. In one field th irte en fam ilies had destroyed th e ir idols and th irty -fou r individuals had accepted of Christ and were engaged in daily Bible study. During th e th ree months from the first of Ja n u ary to th e end of March

th is year th e evangelists of our six p arties visited 44,067 homes. One needs to read these figures carefully and stop for a tim e and th in k of all they mean, and th en b reathe a praÿer for th e more th a n 200,000 individuals in those homes who have so recently had th e gospel inv itation lovingly and earnestly and personally presented to them , many of them for th e first time. And then ano ther very special prayer for those among them into whose h earts th e L ight has shone, who have re­ nounced the past w ith its ido latry and sin, and have received Jesu s c n ris t as Saviour and Lord and are today rejoic­ ing in th e cleansing and freedom and life which they have in Him. A rep o rt of some of the individual cases will help to make it all th e more real. A Mr. Suen Pang-lin, sixty-five years of age,, welcomed our evangelists most cordially to his home. He said, “ Gentlemen, for some days I have been hoping th a t you would come here, and now you have arrived .” A service was held in th e large central guest hall of his house and many neighbors attended, b u t Mr. Suen seemed to be th e one man who was giving real atten tion to the message. A fter the evangelist had finished talk ing Mr. Suen arose and said th a t he was a g reat sinner, and were it no t for the saving grace of th e Lord Jesus he would have no hope. He manifested a rem arkable knowledge of th e gospel and the evangelists asked him where he had learned so much of the gospel. He replied th a t some two years previous he had m et one of our evangelists and had received from him a copy of th e New Testam ent, he had been earnestly studying it and was con-

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