King's Business - 1919-08



vinced th a t it is “T h e 'g reatest hook in th e world.” He exhorted all those p resen t to believe in Jesus. He also said th a t in F eb ruary , th e m onth previous, when th e evangelistic band was a t a place called Niang-chi, he had attend ed th e ir meetings for two evenings, and he had determ ined w ith all his h e a rt to believe in J e s u s .. They had a season of prayer and afte r th e evangelist prayed Mr. Suen also led in prayer, and the words of his prayer seemed to be th e outpouring of a most sincere h e a rt and genuine faith. In a neighboring house a large crowd gathered. A fter th e preaching a woman of eighty-six came forw ard and began to ask questions th a t revealed how clearly she had understood, and how earnestly she had been thinking. When all h er questions had been answered and h er doubts had been cleared away, she said: “ I have been tru stin g in th e idols to tak e away my sin, now I know th a t it was all wrong. I have no t two m inds in th is m atter, b u t fully believe in Jesus, and I do th a n k you so much for coming. H ere I am an old woman p ast eighty, ju st abou t ready to die, how could I ever h ave obtained th is g re a t happiness h a d you n o t come?” They h ad prayer together, and th e elderly woman in ­ sisted on th e evangelists rem aining and having a meal w ith her. Over and over th e preachers h ear th e same pathetic question, “H ad you not come to us, how could we have h ea rd ?” A t a place called Da-chung a Mrs. Sie was deeply moved. She said: “You say th a t Jesus is th e Son of th e only tru e God, and th a t we m u st tru s t in Him for th e forgiveness of sin ; te ll us, please, who is th e tru e God, and whence has Jesus come?” Glad to have th e ques­ tions asked, th e evangelists talk ed w ith her, carefully explaining all th e things th a t puzzled her. Then in h er wonder and delight she b u rst ou t as th e woman ju s t mentioned had done: “Well, if you teachers had no t cpme here, how could

A Buddhist Priest Concerted Through D r. Keller's Work

we women ever have known th is glori­ ous tru th ? How could we have heard, and if we did not h ear how could we believe in Jesus, how could we worship th e tru e God?” W hat a responsibility these questions suggest, especially when we find so many who are ready and oh so glad to accept th e invitation when it is made known to them . Shall we no t exert ourselves to th e very u tm ost to give th e invitation as widely and as quickly as we can? A fter th e evangelists had led in prayer, Mrs. Sie also prayed, saying: “ I pray to Jesus to forgive my sins, and th a n k th e Heav­ enly R u ler for p erm itting me today to h ear th is good gospel.” Two evangelists of p arty No. 2 had a rem arkab le and blessed experience. They w ent to th e home of a man named Djou Wu-yUan; as they entered they saw Mr. Djou a t a table w ith some companions gambling and a larg e crowd looking on. An opportunity came and they delivered th e ir message in spite

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