King's Business - 1919-08



of th e seemingly unfavorable condi­ tions. The Holy Spirit blessed th e ir message and Mr. Djou was convicted of sin and promptly gath ered up all his gambling outfit and gave it to thei preachers to destroy. Our w orkers told him th a t only by really tru stin g in Jesu s could he have power to tru ly rep en t and tu rn from sin. Mr. Djou replied th a t he had fully made up his m ind to follow Jesus and worship God alone, and to tru s t th e Holy Spirit to keep him from again falling in to sin. As th e preachers left, th e women who were th e re thanked them most earnestly for th e blessing they had th a t day brought into th a t home. God is giving us much blessing and joy in th e Bible school, our th irty - eigh t stud en ts are doing good work and are making fine progress. Applica­ tions are coming in for next year, and we tru s t th a t th e second year of the school will be even b etter th a n the first y ear has been. Mr. An, leader of p arty No. 6, has been confined to his bed for some tim e w ith th a t aw ful disease tuberculosis. Much prayer is going up for him , and la st advices are th a t he is much better. Please join us in earnest prayer for his complete recovery. It is ju s t wonderful w h at God has done for us in these m at­ te rs in answer to prayer. The n atu ra l way in which the men go to God in prayer, and the childlike tru stfu ln ess of th e ir faith is very beautiful. My earn est hope is th a t many friends a t home will join us in daily, prevailing prayer for th is work. The field is so large, th e h arvest so ripe, so very ripe th a t I am constrained to end th is le tte r as I began it: “ P ray ye th erefo re the Lord of the h arv est th a t He send fo rth laborers into His h arv est.” W ith h ea rtiest greetings in the Lord, Most tru ly yours, P ra n k A. Keller.

NICHOLSON AT SAN DIMAS A wonderfully strong, sp iritu a l series of ten days evangelistic meetings was brought to a close F rid ay evening, May 23rd, in the B aptist Church of San Di­ mas, Cal. Evangelist Nicholson of the Bible In stitu te delivered very h ea rt­ searching sp iritu al sermons. He made us feel th a t we m ust be much w ith God if we would be much like God. He also made us feel th a t thp glory is no t in th e task, b u t in doing it for Him our maker. It is h ard to understand how anyone who has never accepted Christ as th e ir Saviour could listen to B rother Nicholson and g et away from a single service unsaved. At seven o’clock each evening Bro. Nicholson talked to the men down on th e street. Many of them reverently removed th e ir h ats while he told them of Christ Jesus and his love. Our prayers are for our b ro th er as he labors for a season w ith the churches of San Pedro and as we th ink of him in th e work he is doing we are, re­ minded of Prov. 11:30. He th a t win- neth souls is wise. Revival Among Jew s Many who both love th e Jews and know th e ir place in th e g rea t plan of God, are expecting a g rea t wave of re­ vival to sweep over Jew ish people before „ the p resen t age closes. JEW ISH W hether th is is so or WORK not a t any ra te g reater in terest is being shown by the Jews in sp iritu al things th an ever before. Conversions among them are being reported w ith amazing fre­ quency not only in th is imm ediate sec­ tion of the country, bu t all over th is and o th er lands. So noticeable has th is been th a t th e Jew ish newspapers are bemoaning th e spread of w hat they term the “ conversion epidemic.” Would to God th a t such an epidemic m ight spread un til it permeated all Judaism every­ where, and tu rn ed th e eyes of those who sit in darkness unto God’s marvel­ ous light. The following incident illu strates how ready are some among God’s ancient people, Israel, to receive th e Messiah when once it is shown them th a t He has already come in th e person of Christ. A very intelligent, well-dressed young Jew ish woman entered th e Biola Book Room one day to purchase a copy of the Old T estam ent Scriptures. She made

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