King's Business - 1919-08



it very, clear th a t she did no t w ant the New Testam ent nor th e Old and New Testam ents bound tog ether hu t ju st a copy of th e Jew ish Bible alone. The salesman, a man who has for many years been a g reat “ lover of Israel,” engaged th is young Jewess in conversa­ tion along .the line of sp iritu al things and before she le ft th e Book Store he had secured h er name and address. This address was given to one of our Jew ish Christian workers who called on h er in h er home. On th e first visit th is Jewess was no t very friendly b u t as tim e w ent on and o ther visits were made slje be­ came so interested in th e things of th e Bible th a t she would even perm it h er caller to read portions of Scripture to h er from , not o'nly th e Old b u t the New T estam ent as well. So in terested did she become th a t she accepted an invi­ tation to attend one of the Jewish meet­ ings held in our Jew ish Mission Home. Seating herself in an out-of-the-way corner of th e room, she listened w ith th e g reatest in te rest to th e testim ony of th e Hebrew -Christians p resen t and also to th e address which was given. A look of conviction was app aren t on her face as th e m eeting drew to a close, and when one of the w orkers a t th e close of th e meeting, spoke to h er she answered, “ Yes, I do believe th a t th e testimonies of those Jew ish people are tru e and I do believe th a t Jesus is our N ation’s Messiah b u t I do no t understand how He could be God H im self.” When it was shown h er from th e Old Testam ent th a t Messiah was to be none o th er th a n God H imself, h er doubts were settled ; and when asked if she would now like to receive H im as her Saviour, she replied w ith earnestness th a t she would— and she did. Before leaving th e house th a t day, she th rew h er arm s around th e neck of th e Hebrew C hristian w orker who first called on h er and w ith tears runn ing down h er face said, “ I have now ac­ cepted Christ as my Messiah and Sav­ iour.” She has since attended a Bible Class and is very anxious th a t her hus­ band, too, may soon come to know the Jesus of th e New T estam ent who is none o th er th a n th e Messiah of the Old Testa­ ment.— Jas. A. Yaus, Supt.

gospel? Upon every PACIFIC COAST shore and upon th e HARBOR WORK ships, l a r g e and small, these hungry h earts are found among which we toil. Did the though t ever grip you as you read, “ and th e re was no more sea?” A fu tu re n e v heaven and new earth , bu t “ no more se a!” Have you realized th e message of these few words? Did you ever th in k w h at a vast cemetery th e ocean is, holding mysteries innum erable not to be revealed un til one certain day? And as you read accounts of how His Word, used by th e Holy Spirit, has brough t salvation to h earts h ere and th ere, th rough th is work among the seamen have you realized What a differ­ ence it makes w hether you help and pray or w hether you have no t as yet caugh t th e vision, in th e light of these words: “And th e sea gave up th e dead which are in it.” Isn ’t it fine th a t it is yet day and the gospel can be sent abroad before th a t dreadful, terrib le day of Judgm en t a t th e g reat white Throne tak es place? We th in k now of a cook on an Eng­ lish freighter. By n a tu re a child of w rath, had his life not been saved from the w atery grave while trav eling the minefields and sub-zone, perhaps, he too would have been in th e company of those which the sea will give up. Upon presentation of a little Pocket League Testam ent, he became interested and had to confess th a t he was no t a Chris­ tian. “ I could not sign th e ‘Decision’ now b u t will do so soon,” he said, yet we did no t let him go. When asked when he would do so, he though t and said, “ I have already made up my mind to sign sometime, and as you say, th ere could not be ano ther opportunity better suited. I’ll do it now.” P ra y for him and especially th a t much help may come to him th rough th a t g ift of His Word. A fter a stree t meeting in th e h eart of San Francisco held daily by th e Na­ tional Bible In stitu te w ith no special resu lt on the street, a Canadian soldier came in to see th e Superintendent, and presented a discharge bearing th e sig­ n atu re of th e King and Queen. He did not come to be dealt w ith, b u t th e Lord led th e Superintendent to tu rn th e con­ versation quickly to his need of salva­ tion. He was telling of his several n a r­ row escapes from bomb and o th er ex­ plosions, being severely injured, and th e question, “Where would you be now, had no t God spared your life” brought home a message. T urning the

Have you ever looked on th e g reat expanse of w ater and considered how much these countless thousands toiling upon the oceans of th e world, need the

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