King's Business - 1919-08

736 man over to th e w orker th e others pres­ e n t retire d to labor in prayer. The soldier was finally b rough t deeply under conviction, and th e little discharge paper in his hand was used to illu strate th e au th o rity of John 5:24 bearing the sign atu re of th e K ing of K ings and Lord of Lords. He came ou t for th e Lord and confessed Christ as his Saviour. A sailing vessel arriv ing from the North had a fine Christian man as Cap­ ta in and it was found th a t th is Captain had held services on hoard every Sun­ day and preached the gospel to his men,, fa r ou t on th e deep blue. W h at a Joy it was to m eet him and h ear th e testi­ mony from th e lips of th e men; “Yes sir, th e old man preaches th e gospel to us and also lives it.” He had joined the^ Pocket Testam ent League ten or more years ago and mak­ ing plain th e ir eagerness to do so, th e en tire crew was “ signed up” by the worker.— Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. In terestin g Incidents from W orkers A business g ir l } who was converted during th e influenza epidemic, said, “As I was lying ill and alone God brought to my remembrance some of th e teach­ ing of th e Sunday WORK OF School I used to at- BIBLE WOMEN tend in my young days. I began to read my neglected Bible, and one day while reading I gave my h e a rt to the Lord Jesus and now I am going to live for H im .” She gave up h er worldly companions and ways and retu rn ed to h er house of business. A fter a few weeks she felt very keenly th e need of more tim e for Bible study. A fter praying abou t th e m a tte r she decided to leave th e good position she was in and tak e housework as th a t would give h er th e tim e she wanted. Again by prayer she secured a place as housekeeper to a business couple, who were out all day, th u s en­ abling h er to have lots of leisure in the m iddle of the day for her h e a rt’s desire. H er consistent, happy Christian life is telling for God. One day th e lady of th e house said, “ I wish you would pray for me. You certainly have w hat I have no t and I am longing to have th e salva­ tion you possess.” A stran g er in a strang e neighborhood, going from door to door, talk ing w ith screens between you and th e listener,

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S and it is hard , discouraging and sad when you realize th a t between th e peo­ ple and th e Saviour are n o t only screened doors b u t fast barred doors. The indifference reigns in many of the homes, and false doctrine in others where th e fam ily were form erly church members. B u t visiting has its b rig h t side as well as the sad. The words, “Oh, I to see you, it rem inds me of my old home days.” A quiet conversation lead­ ing th e w andering child of God back to th e fold. The Holy Spirit awakening desire to live n earer to Christ and to reveal Him in th e home. The concern for th e husband, who was b rough t up a Roman Catholic, once so n ear th e King­ dom, b u t was h ard and indifferent. The requ est to come again When th e hus­ band was a t home th a t tog eth er we m ight ta lk of th e saving power of th e Lord Jesus Christ and pray for his conversion. The g reat varied needs of th e people lie heavy on our h earts un til we realize th a t in Jesu s Christ they can all be met and th ank ing God for the w onderful op­ po rtun ity of m aking known th e claims of Jesus Christ, we go on from day to day bearing th e precious seed of the Word of God. Several people’had become very much in terested in a young woman who was physically in a very bad condition. She ran here and th e re for help and had about lost faith in everything. A w orker was sent out one day, backed by many prayers, to speak if possible to h er of h er g reater need of know ing Jesus as h er Saviour. The Holy Spirit had most surely prepared th e way and gone be­ fore for she was easily led to see her g reatest need was no t for h er body. She said th è way seemed plain to her for th e first tim e and she clearly be­ lieved and received Jesu s as h er Sav­ iour. “May be He will make my body well too.” In h er calls one day th e Bible woman was adm itted to th e home of a sad­ faced woman, gracious, sweet and gen­ tle. The Bible class was mentioned and th e little woman told of such in ­ teresting lite ra tu re which h ad been coming to her th ru th e mails, telling of a “ second chance a fte r d eath ,” “The unconscious sta te of th e dead,” etc. In all h er life she had known only the formal teaching of h er church and bu t little of th e Word of God. H er hus­ band h ad recently died and she was sadly pondering many questicfns fopj

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