King's Business - 1919-08



W e rushed down to church, th en to a ja il service, followed by a Bible reading, then an evening service, and it was a t the end of th is la tte r service th a t we had th e joy of seeing visible results, and we do love to see results. I t’s always so stim u lating and refreshing, like a good tonic in these Laodicean days, and we lift our h ea rts in thank fu lness and praise as we are able to say w ith convic­ tion, “This is th e finger of God.” Among th e half dozen or more who responded to th e definite inv itation to receive th e Lord Jesus as a personal Saviour was a w e ll. preserved m ining man of abou t sixty,— a strong, big, splendid specimen of a man. The mes­ sage of th e saving power of Christ com­ ing from a h e a rt which was experiencing the freshness and p resen t victory of the risen Saviour, gripped him. He ju st came runn ing forw ard when th e call was „given, keen, eager, earnest,— no coaxing or pleading necessary; w illing to do anything, w illing to do everything, if God would only save him ; anxious to give up, b u t he had tried over and over again and failed repeatedly. ' He had prayed and wept and told God how sorry he was, b u t all in vain— no peace, no rest, no response. As we k n elt he told us all th is w ith te a rs rolling down his face, and it was some tim e before we could get him to stop all his pleading and crying and asking, so th a t we m ight give him God’s Word and show him the simple, artless, unincumbered way of salvation. “ I t is no t th y te ars of repentance and prayers, But th e blood th a t atones for th e.sou l. On Him, then, who shed it, thou may’st a t once Thy w eight of iniquities ro ll.” “B u t you don’t mean to say th a t all my inquities can be wiped ou t in one moment of tim e? Perhaps if i ’m faith ­ ful, He may, in time, make me a real Christian.” B u t as we gave him some of the dear old passages reg ard ing the believer’s etern al security in Christ Jesus, he ju st dropped on his knees and th ank ed God over and over again, then arose and confessed before every one his faith in Christ. “ I ’ve been seeking this for tw enty long y ears,” he told us—r“ be sure and -mark all those passages,” as we gave him a Pocket T estam ent and signed him up. The sto ry of his long struggle for ligh t and peace was in ter­ rup ted w ith a sudden “Why, I was going to swear, b u t something stopped me be­ fore th e word came ou t; I, whq have

which she could find no answer. The subtle teachings of Russellism were making th e ir appeal. Quietly b u t w ith keenest in terest, she listened as the Bible Woman read the tru th concerning life and death from God’s own Word. The following week she was in the Bible class, accompanied by h er daugh­ te r and th e next week h er g randdaugh­ te r came. They were all so eager to h ear w hat God had said. Soon the g randd augh ter’s husband and two young sons came to an evening class. The en tire fam ily bearing testim ony to th e influence of God’s Word in aw aken­ ing, confirming and streng then ing faith in Jesu s Christ. One woman said to a w orker who called: “ I t is a g reat th ing th a t you cared so much for me th a t you knocked a t my door to know if I was born again. Oh, I do th a n k God for sending you, for giving me th e joy of feasting w ith one of His children on sp iritu a l th ing s.” Another woman said: “ I have no in­ te re st in the Bible. I do no t understand it, n eith er do I w an t it. I have as much as I can do to read th e morning paper th a t I pay for.” The woman who pleaded no tim e for sp iritu al things owned th a t th e will was lacking as they used th e automobile for Sunday picnics to the* neglect of God’s House and Word. A fter a long ta lk and a few well chosen booklets given, we left w ith the prayer th a t she may be tru ly converted. She seemed earnest and we believe God’s Spirit is speaking to her. MRS. T. C. HORTON, Supt. God Saves th e B ig Sinner One of th e most refresh ing experi­ ences to a C hristian worker, is to run across, in these days of easy profession and self-complacency, a soul tru ly re­ p en tan t before God,— WORK IN one who, like th e centu- THE SHOPS rion of old, can say, “ I am no t w orthy th a t thou shouldst come under my roof.” I t was our glad experience to discover such a unique ch aracter during th e past week. We sta rte d the day w ith a Bible class of young men, followed by an address before th e Sunday School, and tak ing charge of th e singing and conducting, for a worker, you know, must always be ready for any and all emergencies, w hether to quiet the b ab ies,, preach a sermon, bu ry th e dead, or act as jan ito r.

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