King's Business - 1919-08



th e ir Saviour and th anked God for ta k ­ ing th e ir sins away. Recently we ra n across a Mexican set­ tlem en t in th e re a r of an American church, and afte r visiting all th e homes we asked if they would come to a meet­ ing in th e church if it could be secured, and all said they would. The pastor upon being interviewed, consented to le t us have th e use of the church twice a month, and so th e following week we retu rn ed , opened th e church and rang th è bell. T h at evening twelve men a t­ tended th e meeting. We ta u g h t them some hymns in which they all joined heartily Then we gave them a message from God’s Word, and closed w ith a call for decision, when, w ithout any coaxing, seven men signified th e ir desire to ac­ cept Christ. All of us w ent down on our knees and each one prayed and th anked God for His salvation. We rejoice to say th a t la ter visits all testify to th e genuineness of th e ir conversion and to the joy of salvation, for which we praise God and give H im all th e glory. I t is no t often we see imm ediate re­ su lts like th e above, b u t th e seed is sown and God by His Spirit works, and grad­ ually th e entrance of His Word giveth light. F o r instance: A certain fam ily whom we have visited as they moved about to th ree different camps, were strong Catholics, or in o th er words, de­ voted worshipers of th e V irgin Mary. On one occasion they asked some ques­ tion about th e Virgin, and replying we made th e rem ark (b u t advisedly) th a t th e V irgin was dead (fo r they believe th a t she was caught up into Heaven,— sp irit, soul and body,-—and is th e only doorway to Heaven and intercéssor w ith God). Somehow th a t rem a rk b rough t enlightenm ent, for th e sister of th is woman (who is one of our converts) told us th a t since th a t ta lk th e Catholic Church was no t the same to h er any more. D uring th e m onth of May special services are held in honor of Mary every day and night. This woman attended them , b u t told h er sister th a t since th a t explanation she could not accept the teaching of Rome any longer, and be­ lieved th a t w hat we had ta u g h t was the tru th - Now we are holding cottage meetings in her home, and believe it will not be long ere she and her husband will accept th e Lord Jesu s Christ. In one larg e camp we have fifty men whose respect and confidence we have won in such a way th a t every tim e we go to hold a public service in th e ir m idst, they all gath er and listen w ith

been a h ard swearing, blasphemous man all my life !” and again he w ent down on his knees praising and th ank ing God over and over again. Can you no t imagine w hat joy th ere m ust have been in th e presence of the angels in heaven, over th is one rep en t­ a n t sinner? “ ’Tis no t doing, ’tis no t praying, ’Tis no t weeping saves th e soul; God is now H is grace displaying, Jesu s died to make thee whole. Look to Him, and life w ill follow, Look to H im w ithou t delay; Sinner, look, and ere tomorrow Thou w ilt weep, and praise and pray.” When we asked him if he had ever definitely received th e Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour,— He, upon whom God had laid th e in iqu ity of us all,——the question seemed to strik e him as something different; ju s t to stop do­ ing, and begin receiving. F o r, “ to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become th e sons of God” ,— and as we pressed upon him all th a t Christ had done, th e tru th shone in upon his soul th a t it was all a finished w ork and th a t he had b u t to believe and receive, and then confess th e Lord Jesus,— it seemed too good to be true. Over and over again he said, “ But you don’t seem to und erstand w hat a sinner I ’ve been,” -—to which we replied: “T h a t’s quite tru e, b u t God does, and it is to ju st such big sinners th a t He has w ritten 1 Tim. 1:15: “ ‘This is a faith fu l saying, and w orthy of all acceptation, th a t Christ Jesu s came into th e world to save sin­ n ers; of whom I am th e chief’.” DAVID CANT, Supt. W inning Confidence of Mexicans We were tak en by su rp rise upon a r­ riving a t one of th e railro ad camps by th e welcome we received. We had not been th e re for some months, b u t on our la st visit held a little serv- SPANI8H ice, and left a T estam ent WORK w ith them , which th e young man of th e house told us he-h ad read every evening to a group who would gather. On th is p resen t occasion we sang and gave them a message w ith th e aid of a chart, afte r which th e w orker sang a hymn, “ He Took My Sins Away,” and asked, if they could believe it, and if they would receive Him then and there. Three- of them accepted th e Lord as

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