King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S the g reatest atten tion , and always th ank us for our visit. Several have already accepted Christ, and we are hoping many more will follow. Since we have our auto (which our F a th e r has given in answer to p ray er) we are able to visit many more camps, and th e re are many children th a t g ath er around us, in whose h earts we are seek­ ing to p la n t the precious seed— the Word of God— by having them repeat Scripture. We need some who will vol­ un teer th e ir services two or th ree times a week to play th e organ and help us teach th e women and children some songs and Scripture texts. W ill you not pray th a t God will supply th is need, and also th a t many may decide for Jesus Christ? ROBERT H. BENDER, Supt. G etting th e B ible In to Schools The Pocket T estam ent League on th e Pacific Coast has grown phenomenally since its inception here four months ago. A t the invitation of the pastors the Secretary has intro- TESTAMENT duced th e L e a g u e LEAGUE movement in tw enty different churches in Los Angeles County, and a t the invita­ tion of evangelists in four union evan­ gelistic campaigns. It has been a pleas­ ure to w itness th e su rp rise and enthusi­ asm of people as they realized th e unlim ited possibilities of rea l soul-sav­ ing work in a simple and effective man­ ner. One pastor said, “Why didn’t we th ink of th is before? This movement fills a long felt need.” Another pastor .stated, “The Pocket T estam ent League is the best method of promoting^ per­ sonal evangelism th a t I have ever known.” Satan succeeded in ru ling th e Bible ou t of th e public schools b u t th e chil­ dren themselves are bringing it back. During an exam ination period in a G rammar school th e teacher told the pupils th a t when they finished th e ir work they m ight come to h er desk and get a book to read. One boy said, hold­ ing up a Testam ent, “ I have a book.” In a few moments th ere were fifteen boys in th a t room who, h a v in g . completed th e ir exam ination papers, were reading th e ir Testam ents. One young woman, a very tim id mem­ ber of the League, saw a man chopping down a tree in fron t of h er house. She w ent ou t to ask if she could have the

739 wood to burn and the man was kind ;nough to carry the wood back into the yard as well as say th a t she could have it for nothing. W anting to do some­ th ing for him in retu rn , she remembered the Pocket Testament, and very tim idly offered one to him. He looked a t it and said he would be glad to have it, and when she got the courage to ask him to sign th e pledge, he did th a t also. She le ft him, bu t felt th a t she m ust mention th e back page and the decision blank, and a fte r a silent prayer, she retu rn ed and asked th e man to look a t the back page. He did, and then said, “Do you know th a t I have been out here in Cali­ fornia for th ree years w ith my wife and children and none of us have been inside of a church: We have gotten a fa r off from th e Lord. I will sign th is and next Sunday we go to church.” The little booklet, “ Your Church Can Do It,” revised and enlarged, and membership cards, will be sent on re­ quest. Pacific Coast H eadquarters, Pocket T estam ent League, Sixth and Hope Streets, Los Angeles, Cal. V. Y. MORGAN, Supt. K§ IS WAR OVER? H enry Morgenthau, form er United S tates ambassador to Turkey, who had ju st come from P aris, made a ta lk to the soldiers in Coblenz in which he said: “Don’t go home and tell your folks th a t w ar is over. The younger men of America may yet have to fight. The manifold and conflicting demands of all th e nations a t th e conference are impossible of fulfillment. The nations will have fu rth e r quarrels and I believe th a t w ithin 15 or 20 years America will be called on to save the world.” In all th is he confirms th e belief of Bible studen ts th a t th e past w ar is bu t a mere whisper of w hat is coming upon the earth , and th a t rig h t soon. •yfiSr We’d L ike to H ea r F rom You as follows: “ I have your gentle intim ation T h at my subscription’s due And promptly now in liquidation

Of the forgotten obligation, Enclose my check to you.”

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