King's Business - 1919-08

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r x ? 1 E X P O S IT IO N A N D P R A C T IC A L C O M M E N T - Keith L. Brooks P O IN T S of the L E S S O N , T .C .H orton L E S S O N P IC T U R E , C . A .K iU in ski IL L U S T R A T IO N S - W . H . Pike ' E L E M E N T A R Y - Mabel L. Merrill CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. AUGUST 3, 1919 Golden Text: “ God is a Sp irit; and they th a t worship him m ust worship him in sp irit and in tru th .” Jno. 4:24. LESSON TEXT Jno. 4:1-10, 19-24. (Read Matt. 6: Rev. 7:9-12.) , 6; Jno. 4:1-10, 19-24; Heb. 10:19-25;

(1) W hen therefore th e Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard th a t Jesus m ade and baptized more disci­ ples th an John, (2) Though Jesus him ­ self baptized not, but h is disciples, (3) H e left Judea, and departed again into Galilee. (4) And he m ust needs go through Sam aria. (5) Then cometh he to a city of Sam aria, which is called Sychar, n ear to the parcel of ground th a t Jacob gave to his son Joseph. (6) Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied w ith his journey, sa t thus on th e well: and it w as about th e sixth hour. (7) There com eth a woman of Sam aria to draw w ater: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. (8) F o r his disci­ ples were gone aw ay unto th e city to buy m eat. (9) Then saith th e woman of Sam aria unto him, How is it th a t thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Sam aria? F or the Jew s have no dealings w ith the Sam aritans. (10) Jesus- answ ered and

said unto her, If thou knew est th e gift of God, and who it is th a t saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living w ater. (19) The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive th a t thou a rt a prophet. (20) Our fath ers worshipped in this m ountain; and ye say, th a t in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. (21) Jesus saith unto her, Woman, be­ lieve me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in th is mountain, nor yet a t Jerusalem , worship th e F ather. (22) Ye worship ye know not w hat: we know w hat we worship: for salva­ tion is of the Jews. (23) B ut th e hour cometh and now is, when th e true worshippers shall worship th e F a th er in spirit and in tru th : for th e F a th e r seeketh such to worshjp him. (24) God is a Spirit: and they th a t w or­ ship him m ust worship him in spirit and in truth. w ater: The devotion of our Lord In seeking to save a h arlo t woman: The ad ro it m anner in which He led up to th e subject of h er salvation: The in tro ­ duction of th e them e of worship by the woman: The elucidation of th e theme by our Lord, and the w onderful revela­ tion of H imself as th e Messiah to th is fallen wom an:— All is m arvelously re­ corded in a few simple words,— b u t the them e itself is th e them e of Heaven and will be th e them e of etern ity . L et us study it briefly. Worship means “w orthship” , and is defined as paying reverence or homage.

Outline— The Person to Worship. The Purpose of Worship. The Place of Worship. The P erfum e of Worship.

The text given us for study introduces one of th e most in teresting scenes in the life of our Lord: The Well of Jacob: The reason our Lord w ent th e re : The Woman of Sam aria: LESSON H er ch aracter: Why EXPOSITION she was a t th e well a t T. C. H orton noon instead in th e morning, or evening, when women o rd inarily went to draw

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