King's Business - 1919-08



Omnipotent, come down and seize me fo r Thine own! O my precious, my pre­ cious Saviour!” A lady a t th e P aris Exhibition was stricken w ith a m alady which took away h er power of speech. Only one word escaped her lips and th a t was bring—*, bring—bring. They b rough t flowers, food, dainties, treasu res and friends, b u t still she u tte red th e words. Be­ w ildered and wondering th e watchers noticed th e dawning of th e Glory. At la st th e cloud was lifted from th e mem­ ory, th e song of h er tongue unloosed, and in a clear and deliberate voice she exclaimed, “ B ring fo rth th e royal dia­ dem, and crown H im Lord of all.” v. 1. When th e Lord knew . Jesus needed no detectives (see Is. 29:15.) — Sel. v. 2. Jesu s h im self baptized not. Be­ cause baptizing is COMMENT PROM th e work of a min- MANY SOURCES ister, not of th e K» L. B rooks Lord. Christ bap­ tizes w ith th e Holy Spirit (1 :3 3 ) .— Plummer. v. 4. H e m u st needs e o th rough Samaria. Jesu s had an appointm ent from etern ity w ith a woman.— Jones. A necessity, no t only geographical b u t including divine counsels. The most im po rtan t issues often hinge on slight, trivial, everyday incidents. — Expos. Bible. Note how th e whole machinery of God’s grace is set in motion toward one lost so u l.^ E c h o e s. v. 6. Jesu s being wearied. We never had a feeling which Jesu s never experienced. Though th e Son of God, He became subject to common infirm i­ ties (Heb. 4 :1 5 ).— Brooks. v. 7. There cometh a woman. How unexpectedly many have been m et by th e Son of God and have been saved by th e way.— K. B. F o r resu lts of eter­ nity, both for herself and many inhab­ ita n ts of Samaria, depended on her

coming th a t day, th a t hou r and th a t portion of th e hou r when th e disciples were no t w ith th e ir Master. “A ll th a t th e F a th e r giveth me shall come to me.”— Saphir. Je su s said u n to her. It is wisdom to fill up our vacant min­ utes w ith th a t which is good th a t th e fragm ents of tim e may no t be lost.— Henry. Give m e to drink . Jesu s spoke th e first word. Note th e seven times th e Lord spoke to th e woman and th e g radu al ascent to th e final declaration (v. 26 ).— Comp. Bible. v. 10. If th o u knew est. Two condi­ tions precede our reception of God’s best gifts. We m ust know and we m ust ask.—Meyer. Jesus forgot all o th er th irst in th e th irst for perishing souls. His first though t was to reach and save th is woman. Is th a t our first though t? — Torrey. If we are not deriving from Christ w h at we recognize as living w ater, it is because th e re is a defect in our knowledge — because we do not know th e gift of God— Dods. The g ift of God. There were two th ing s she needed to know— the wondrous g ift of God, the Holy Spirit (see v. 14), and th e wondrous man who had said “ Give me to d rink .” Those are th e two things we need to know today.— Torrey. Liv­ ing w ater. Living w ater is moving w ater.— Gordon. v. 11. P rom whence h a s t th o u living w ate r? As th e disciples could no t un­ d erstand w hat Jesu s m eant by bread (verses 31-34), so th e woman m isun­ derstood w hat Christ m eant by w ater.— Evans. v. 14. Shall never th irst. Every sp iritu al desire and asp iration of the soul shall be completely satisfied and forever, for the life which He gives is eternal.— Dummelow. Shall be in him a w ell of w ater. He who receives the Holy Spirit carries a well around w ith him. He is independent of environment. — Torrey. Springing up into. L iterally, “ th roughou t.” Not th a t etern al life is some fu tu re resu lt to be realized here-

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