King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S afte r. It is th e imm ediate resu lt. The soul in which th e living w ater flows h as etern al life.— Camb. Bible. v. 15.— Give m e th is w ate r th a t I th irs t not. To have no th irst is a symp­ tom of disease or death. The soul when in a healthy state, seeks by a n atu ra l appetite th a t which will su stain it. This w ater cannot be had m erely for th e asking b u t only for th e th irstin g ._ Jow ett. There is n eith er pump nor cup a t the spring of life. He who drink s m ust p ro strate himself.— Sel. v. 16. Go call thy husband. By a seem ingly casual requ est Christ lays hold of her inn er life, convinces h er of sin and leads her to repentance w ithout which her request “Give me th is w ate r” could not be granted. The husband who was no husband was th e plague spot where h er healing must begin.— P lum ­ mer. If th is woman is to en ter into a hopeful and cleansed life, she must en ter th rough confession of her need of cleansing.— Expos. Bible. No one cq,n slink out of his past life, huddling up w hat is shameful. T ru th and straig h t­ forw ardness m ust come before we drink th e living w ater.—Nicoll. The power of th e word of Christ in searching the h ea rt and convincing th e conscience of secret sins is a g reat proof of its divine au tho rity . (1 Cor. 14:24, 25).:— Henry'. v. 21. Believe me. This formula occurs in th is place only. The usual one is “ I say unto you.”— Sel. v. 23. T ru e worshipers. Much of our worship suffers from this— th a t it is confined to certain tim es and places. God is spirit, He is th e everlasting and unchangeable One. W hat He is He is always and in tru th . H is worship must be the. sp irit of our life. Our life m ust be worship in sp irit as God is spirit.— Murray. P ray er has to do w ith our needs, praise w ith our blessings bu t worship w ith' Him.— Biederwolf. One cannot really worship God and be w ith­ o u t th e Holy Spirit.— Sel. The wonder-


ful words of verses 21 to 24 m ust certainly be attrib u ted to one g rea ter th a n John. They b reathe the sp irit of o th er worlds th a n ours. There is nothing so like them in th e ir sublime infinitude of comprehension and intense p en etration to th e deepest roots of things as some of th e sayings in th e sermon on th e naount. (Matt. 5:45, 6 :6 ). Those who would worship the F a th e r must rise above all distinctions of place.— Camb. Bible. The F a th e r seeketh such. God is seeking only one kind of worshipers, those who worship in th e Holy Spirit and in reality.__ Torrey. v. 24. God is a Spirit. God is fath e r and God is sp irit are tru th s in­ separably connectéd in th is m anner__' th a t only in the Spirit, who enables us to call God in Christ “Abba” , áre we able to worship spiritually. — Saphir. The most practical and a t th e same tim e simplest and deepest exposition of th e words “ God is Sp irit” we may find in the Sayiour’s direction concerning prayer (Matt. 6) where He lays down as the fundam ental principle of tru e worship the tru th God seeth in secret. Beck. M ust worship in sp irit and tru th . We cannot worship un til we live in th e sp iritu al realm and are w illing to conform ourselves absolutely to the tru th . Meyer. We have liberty to en ter into th e holiest by th e blood of Jesus and hence our worship is not merely in sp irit b u t in tru th , th a t is, in sub stan tial rea lity and fulfilment and from th is it follows th a t only, be­ lievers are worshipers.— Saphir. Thanking God fo r H is Goodness. Memory Verse: “ I t is a good thing to give th ank s unto th e Lord.” p sa. 9 2 r 1. Approach: When someone gives you a present, or does something for you w hat do you say? Thank you. Yes,’ and I hope you always remember to do’

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