King's Business - 1919-08

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S su re ? ” said th e man. “No,” replied th e boy. “Then make su re by reading th e Bible,” said th e neighbor. This was a passing morning greeting, b u t It Bowed seed th a t will ripen la ter into a harvest. We can all be soul-w inners. P riv ileg e of Soul-winning. Major Colquhoun said, “On th e day following my first landing in Corsica, I d istribu ted in th e streets of B astia a number of Gospel tracts, gladly received by all. I had b rough t from th e hotel only one small T estam ent and had given it a t th e Old P o rt to a quiet mannered, sad looking woman in black, who had persistently asked for it. F ou r months la ter I was accosted one m orning in the Piazza by th e same woman, who sm il­ ingly rem inded me of th e little book. ‘Have you read it? ’ I asked. ‘Si, Signor.’ ‘And w hat have you found in it? ’ ‘I have found Jesu s Christ in it.’ ‘And who is Jesu s C h rist?’ ‘My Sav­ iou r.’ ” “He th a t w inneth souls is wise.” Prov. 11:30. The Duty of Soul-winning. A little girl one day h eard a sermon on “B ringing people to Christ.” On h er way home she said to h er fath er, “ I th in k I will bring somebody to Jesu s.” “Whom will you b rin g ?" her fath e r asked. “ I th in k I will b ring myself first,” she answered. She was begin­ ning a t th e rig h t place. Mrs. G ardner of Jap an tells of a little Japanese girl 'w h o was sen t to th is country to be educated. She roomed w ith an American girl. She told the American girl about Jesu s and trie d to lead h er to Christ. The g irl refused, b u t th e Japanese g irl said, “ I am going to pray for you !” She did and months afterw ard th e American girl came to Christ. Was th is home or foreign m is­ sion work? This is th e duty th a t rests upon every Christian. Rew ard of Soul-winning. The sto ry is told of a lay preacher who was holding meetings a t Rose Course Mission, ---------- . He said, “As

750 Tul, be faith fu l; and if you are faith fu l, you will be fru itfu l. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Many a man would see a vision and h ear a voice were he seeking to find a field. (2 ) It paid to go a long way to get a woman like Lydia. (3 ) Lydia opened h er ears to h ear a message, and God opened h er h e a rt to receive His Son. (4 ) Soul saving is an a rt. Why no t be an artist? (5) You cannot be a worldling and a w orker for God. (6) A personal w orker m u st care more fo r souls, th a n for self. (7) If you are definite in your aim and determ ined in your purpose, you will win. (8 ) W ist ye no t th a t ye m u st be about your M aster’s business? The P assion of Soul-winning. T h at valian t soul-w inner, Duncan Matheson, said, “Never for many m in­ utes together was th e th o u g h t of the conversion of souls ou t of my view. I have s e r v e d the LESSON Lord for two anu ILLUSTRATIONS tw enty y e a r s ; I W. H. P ik e have sought to win souls, it has been my passion.” A gentlem an coming from his home one morning saw two Jew ish boys, who lived next door, playing in th e yard. Knowing they had been sick w ith influ­ enza, he said, “Are you over your sick­ ness, boys?” They replied “Yes.” “ I am glad you did no t die,” said he. “ So are we,” they said. “Boys, b u t suppose you had ■>. died, while you were sick, where would you have gone?” They were speechless a t first, th en one said, “ I don’t know, ask b ro th er.” The question was p u t to th e b ro th er and he replied, “May be to heaven.” “Are you

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