King's Business - 1919-08



tim e to improve advantages for h er soul. She was already a w orshiper bu t no t saved. I t is not enough to he relig ­ ious. We m ust have Christ.— Echoes. v. 15. Come in to my house. An open h e a rt (v. 14)- led to an open house.— Sel. Baptized an d h e r house­ hold. We are no t justified in concluding th a t in fan ts were baptized. “House­ hold” probably m eant slaves and freed women.— Lumby. Jas. 5:20. Save a soul. The next soul to be won may be th e one th a t will complete Christ’s church and bring th e day of H is glorious appearance for His people.— Davis. Satan desires to p re­ v en t believers from speaking a word to an individual for Christ even though he cannot expect to prevent all preach­ ing to whole congregations. H is favorite argum en t w ith th e believer is th a t ju st now is no t a good tim e to speak on th e subject. If th e re is one th ing th a t Satan is sensitive about it is th e danger of a C h ristian ’s harm ing th e cause he loves by speaking of Christ to a needy soul.— T rum bull. Shall h ide a m u lti­ tu d e of sins. The context leaves hardly any room for doubt th a t th e sins which are th o u g h t of as covered are prim arily those, of th e man converted and not those of th e conv erter.4 -P lum p tre. H elping o th ers to know Jesns. Acts 16:9-15. Memory Verse: “ Ye shall be my w itnesses.” Acts 1:8. Approach: How many of you have a little chum th a t you love very much? Do you like to be w ith them and play tog ether? And I know you like to tell others abou t our BEGINNERS f r i e n d s th a t we AND PRIMARY th in k a g reat deal Mabel L. M errill of. Who is th e very best friend we have in th e world, th e one who loves us most? Jesus, th a t is righ t. We w ant

■which teaches th a t men can read th e Bible a t home or have a church a t home, which dispenses w ith th e joy of k indred sympathy and soul fellowship. — P ark er. P ra y e r was w ont to be made. Those who would no t worship ideals b u t w anted to worship th e tru e God m et th ere to pray together. There was no herald ing of th e Gospel th a t was to tran sfo rm Europe. It stole in like th e dawn. L et none despise th e day of small things.--j-Meyer. He did no t make an address. The word used for “ speak” signifies “ conversed” . In an inform al way they told th e story concerning the death, burial, resu rrection and ascen­ sion of th e Lord and th e way of salva­ tion th rough faith in Him.—Haldeman. I t is no t always th e work th a t begins w ith th e biggest b lare of trum p ets th a t produces the larg est and most perm anent resultsvir-Torrey. Spake to th e women. A humble congregation and simple man­ ner of preaching b u t h ere and thu s were gathered th e first fru its of Europe unto Christ and they were of th e female sex.— Jam ieson. Considering th e little reg ard which th e Jews had for women as persons to be conversed w ith and taugh t, it is noteworthy how large a p a rt women play in th e Gospel h istory and in th e Acts. I t was one effect of Christianity to place woman in h er tru e position.— Lumby. v. 14. A certain woman. We won­ der if P au l looked fo r th e man he had seen in his vision. There was no man present.— Anno. Bible. Whose h e a rt th e L o rd opened. Showing th a t th e inclination of th e h e a rt tow ards th e tru th originates no t in th e will of man. The first disposition to tu rn to the Gospel is a work of grace.— Olshausen. Luke recognizes th a t w ithout th is the Word would have made no entrance. The Lord had called them to preach a t Philippi and having pointed out' th e ir work He helps them to perform it.-r^ Camb. Bible. A seller of purple. Though a woman of business, she found

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