King's Business - 1919-08



to help others to know th is our very best friend too. P rayer. Lesson S tory: Today we are to h ear abou t a g re a t preacher, one of th e g reatest th a t ever lived, and when I te ll you his name, some of you will re­ member w hat a g reat man he was for you have had stories abou t him. His nam e is Paul, and P au l loved .Jesu s very much, and everywhere he went, he told th e people about Jesus, and how he died to save people from th e ir sins. Sometimes th e people who did not love Jesus would p u t P au l in prison, and even while he was in th e prison he would ta lk to the o th er people and the soldiers who were p u t on guard to watch and te ll them abou t Jesus. There were some people over in ano th er p a rt of th e country across th e sea who w anted P aul to come over and te ll them abou t Jesus, so P au l and one of his friends who had been w orking w ith him got on a boat and crossed over th e sea, and some of th e people who w anted to h ea r about P au l took him and his friend to his house. Then P au l w ent to th e church and preached to the people and told them how it was w ritten in th e Bible th a t Jesus was th e Saviour, and th a t if they would believe on him th e ir sins would be forgiven and they would be saved. You know P au l loved Jesu s so much th a t when he preached th e people who h eard him could feel th e power of his love as he preached to them , and many of them believed on Jesus and were saved. You know if you really love Jesus your friends and playmates will see your love in your actions, th a t is th e things you do and the words you say, and when they see th a t you are fair as you play, and kind, they will w an t to know Jesus too. Our memory verse says th a t is th e way to help others to know Jesus. “Ye shall be my w it­ nesses.” T hat word w itness ju st means th a t we who love Jesu s are to speak for Him every tim e we can, and also to show by our lives th a t we love Him. One day I was in a home of a little boy who had given his h e a rt to Jesus, and his mother told me she could see a g reat change in h er boy, for he was kind and loving and did no t ta lk back to his mother, and tried to please h er in every way th a t he could, and before he knew Jesus, he would always w ant to have his own way, and when he could not, he would stamp his feet on th e floor and sometimes he would slam the door. W hat do you th ink made such a change A CHRISTIAN’S SHOW WlNDOW

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