King's Business - 1919-08



for Jesus everywhere he went. Now le t us see w hat kind of w itnesses we can be for Jesus everywhere we go. Closing P ra y er: Our d ear Heavenly F a th e r we th a n k th ee for Jesus, and help us to help o th ers to know Jesus too.

in th is boy? Yes, Jesu s’ love in his h eart. Now you see he was being a w itness rig h t in th e home before his mother, and if she could see a change in him, we know his teacher and play­ m ates a t school would see a change also, and in th a t way he was being a w itness

Mä Éè C H R IS T IA N M ISS IONS . AUGUST 17, 1919 Golden Text: “ Go ye into all th e world, and preach th e gospel to every creatu re.” Mark 16:15. LESSON TEXT Acts 1 :8 ; 14:8-20. (Read Acts 1 :8 ; 13:1-14; 28).

and Paul, heard of, they re n t th eir clothes, and ra n in among the people, crying out, (15) And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? W e also are men of like passions w ith you, and preach unto you th a t ye should tu rn from these vanities unto th e living God, which m ade heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things th a t are th ere ­ in: (16) Who in tim es p ast' suffered all nations to walk In th eir own ways. (17) Nevertheless he left not himself w ithout w itness, in th a t he did good, and gave us ra in from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our h earts w ith food and gladness. (18) And w ith these sayings scarce restrained they th e peo­ ple, th a t they had not done sacrifice unto them . (19) And there came th ith e r certain Jew s from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded th e people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. (20) Howbeit, a s th e disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into th e city: and th e next day he departed to Derbe. th e prom ise of th e F ath e r. They were no t to pray for it, b u t to w ait for it, or abide. The Holy Spirit LESSON could no t be poured EXPOSITION ou t u n til th e Son had T. C. H o rton tak en His place in the glory. He had told them (John 7:38, 39) th a t they should be reservoirs of th e Holy Spirit, b u t not un til He was glorified. He h ad been glorified and had b reathed upon th e apostles, im parting to them th e Holy Spirit. He was now to ascend to His place in th e glory and to send th e Holy

(1-8) B ut ye shall receive power, a fte r th a t th e Holy Ghost Is come upon you: and ye shall be w itnesses unto me both in Jerusalem , and in all Judaea, and in Sam aria, and unto the utterm ost p a rt of the earth. (14:8) And there sa t a certain m an a t L ystra, im potent in his feet, being a cripple from his m other’s womb, who never had walked: (9) The sam e heard Paul speak: who, stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving th a t he had faith to be healed, (10) Said w ith a loud voice, Stand upright on th y feet. And he leaped and walked. (11) And when th e people saw w hat P aul had done, they lifted up th eir voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in th e likeness of men. (12) And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he w as th e chief speaker. (13) Then the priest of Jupiter, which w as be­ fore th eir city, brought oxen and g a r­ lands unto th e gates, and would have done sacrifice w ith th e people. Q-4) W hich when th e apostles, B arnabas Outline— . (1) A Heavenly Enduem ent for W it­ nessing, vs. 1-8. (2 ) A Healing F a ith Perceived, v. 7. (3 ) A H eathen F a ith Manifested, v. 11 . (4 ) A H elpful F a ith Admonished, v. 15. (5 ) A Heroic F a ith Exhorted, v. 22. (1) A Heavenly E nduem ent fo r W it­ nessing. “Ye shall receive power,” v. 1-8. The command of th e Lord was to ta rry in Jerusalem , and to abide around

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