King's Business - 1919-08



m other of th e g irl wished to make a feast, and as th e daugh ter had learned wonderful things a t th e hands of the w esterner (for she was converted du r­ ing th e first term of school) she wanted th e foreign lady to come and te ll her friends a t th e feast of these things. The m issionary teacher w ent and they feasted in o rien tal fashion w ithou t say­ ing a word, for th ree hours w ith four­ teen courses, a t th e end of which th e hostess said, “W ill th e honorable lady of th e west please tell us about her wonderful God? ” She did tell th e story of Jesu s and th e m other was converted. L ater th e husband was converted and they took down th e ir an cestral tablets and burned them in th e open square and a church was sta rted in th a t place. M issionary Giving. Rev. Ray E. Kipp, w riting from Quiongoa, W est Africa, says, “L ast Sun­ day we took our m issionary collection. One of the little hoys subscribed sixty cents—more th a n any of th e natives, except two. When I asked him where he would ge{ so much money, he said, ‘F rom my spending money. I get nine cents a m onth for no t being ta rd y a t school or a t chapel and I can go w ithout som e " of my clothes.’ And he did. Calculate, if you will, how long he would be in paying his offering, even though th e whole nine cents a month were given to th e Lord.” v. 8. Im potent in his feet. It is •worth while to notice how m inutely Luke th e physician describes th e n atu re of th is and o ther maladies th roughou t th e history.— Camb. COMMENT FROM Bible. A m iraculous MANY SOURCES cure by P au l intro- K. U. Brooks. duces th e Gospel among th e Gentiles as a m iraculous cure by P eter and John introduced it among the Jews (3 :2 ). Both ta u g h t th e hopeless sp iritu a l lame-

m ated It cost him to ru n his business. If we could pu t one m issionary to every 25,000 people we could evangelize th e world in th is generation. T h at would mean fo u r m issionaries where we only have one now. This w ou ld . mean four dollars where we give one now. In other words China would need 16,000 more m issionaries, to give one to each 25,000 people. W h at Two F acto ry Girls Did. Two factory girls h eard they could support a native w orker a t a station in Korea. They assumed his expense and out of th is one station grew eigh t more stations. They are doing th e ir bit. Are you? The church of which these two factory girls are members are supporting ten native w orkers in China, seven in India and two in Africa, besides these in Korea. If every church was sending out as many m issionaries in proportion to th eir membership as th e Moravian church, we would have 66 members a t home sup­ porting a m issionary from th e ir own church in th e foreign field. Missions Thrive Under Suffering. It is said th a t more people have be­ come Christians, in China, since the Boxer movement th a n before. Dr. Sco­ field was sent to Shansi province and some of th e home folks said to him, “Why bu ry yourself in China?” He did no t live long as he was stricken w ith disease while caring for a sick native, b u t he prayed God to raise up some University men to come to China and God answered his prayer in sending out th e Cambridge Band from England. We are C hristians no t to be little pools of privilege, b u t to be channels of blessing. R esu lts Not Reckoned in Dollars. Mrs. Montgomery tells of a Mander- ine, a high Chinese official, who p u t his d augh ter in a Christian school. When vacation tim e came she was allowed to re tu rn home. In a few days an official ru n n er came w ith a le tte r saying the

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