King's Business - 1919-08



son whom he had begotten in th e sore anguish of th a t hou r was to become his devoted atten d an t.— Devotional Com. H e rose u p an d d ep arted n ex t day. T h at one stoned and left for dead by the savage mob should revive and go abou t as if nothing had befallen him m ust have been a still more strik ing evidence of th e m ighty power of God p resen t w ith these teachers th a n what th e people had seen before in th e res­ to ration of th e cripple.— Camb. Bible. H elping Everybody to know Jesus. Acts 13:1, 14:28. Memory Verse: “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all n ation s.” Matt. 28:19. Approach: P rep are a little boat; one made of paper will answer, and arrang e th is lesson on sand table, form ing th e island of Cyprus and th e m ain land. Tooth picks will an- BEGINNERS swer for P au l and his AND PRIMARY companions as they Mabel L. M errill travel abou t from place to place.) Who can tell me about a g reat preacher th a t loved Jesu s very much and even when in prison he would tell th e people about Jesus? (Review .) My, we had such a good tim e la st week hearing about P au l th e g rea t preacher, and to-day we are going on w ith P au l on a boat trip , and now let us bow our heads and ask Jesu s to be w ith us. Lesson Story: (Open up sand table and get ready for th e journey, sta rtin g on a little land trip from Antioch to Seleucia, and th en p u t P aul and several others in boat and on to Crete. Do not emphasize names of cities b u t th e aim is only to show how P au l traveled about w ith th e Gospel.) W hat do you sup­ pose made P au l w an t to tell everybody about Jesus, and w illing to spend all his tim e going about from place to place? Because he loved Jesu s and knew w hat a w onderful Saviour He was

sets fo rth to men th e living God in the place of dumb idols.—’-Lumby. T u rn unto th e living God. To be stru ck w ith God’s power it is only necessary to open our eyes,g^—Burke. There is no worm of th e ear,th, no spire of grass, no leaf, no tw ig wherein we see not footsteps of a living God.— Robt. Hall. The very impossibility in which we find ourselves to prove th a t th e re is not a living God discovers to us H is existence.— Bruy- ere. Which m ade heaven an d earth . This idea of creation u tte rly unknown, alike to ru d e and cultivated h eath en ­ ism, would no t only define w h at was m eant by “ th e living God” b u t open up a new world on afte r reflection to th e more though tfu l p a rt of th e aud i­ ence.— Jam ieson. v. 17. L eft n o t him self w ithout w itness. Beneficence is th e sign m anual of heaven. The orderly sequence of th e seasons, th e rain from heaven, th e yearly m iracle of th e h arv est and the gladness th a t it brings, all these are w itnesses to h living person, moving the processes of th e universe tow ards a beneficent end for man.— Sel. v. 19. Stoned P a u l an d drew him o u t of th e city. L ittle dependence is to be placed upon th e popular favor. It worships today and stones tomorrow .— Torrey. As th e stones fell upon him m ust he no t have remembered Stephen (7 :5 8 ) and may he no t have prayed as Stephen did?— Anno. Bible. He was forced to drink of th a t cup of persecu­ tion he had pressed to th e lips of others. — Haldeman. The fickleness of people ought to carry its own lesson to th e ambassadors of Christ, w arning them nevqr for a moment to depend upon the favor or be governed by th e fear of th e ir h earers b u t to preach th e tru th w hether they accept it or not.— Sel. v. 20. Disciples stood round him . T h at scene no doubt gave P au l th e love and devotion of th e young Timothy and his m other and grandm other (16 :1 , 2) . On P au l’s next visit th is

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