King's Business - 1919-08

t h e K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S


to him , and he w anted everybody else to know H im too; and th en he knew th a t unless people knew Jesus they were lost. Now P au l and his friends are down here (pointing to Antioch) and we will go w ith them down to th e next place (Seleucia). A fter stopping here a sh o rt while they had prayed and knew th a t God w anted them to go on to an island over the sea. Now we will get in th e boat and go w ith them over to th e island. (Sail boat over to Cy­ p ru s.) A fter landing a t a city oh the islapd they w ent in to th e synagogue which was th e name of th e place where they went to church to worship God, so P au l and his friends w ent into the synagogue and preached to them from th e Bible telling them all about Jesus and how He came down to th is world to be the Saviour of everybody who would believe on him and w hat He (Jesu s) had asked them to do in His word, th e Bible. Then P au l and his friends w ent around to th e o ther side of th e island to ano th er city (Paphos) and told th e people th e re about Jesus. A t th is city P au l m et one of th e leading men of the place, and he listened to all th a t P au l said about Jesus, b u t a man who was w ith th is g reat man, made fun

of P au l and tried to keep th e man who was listening to P au l from hearing any more abou t Jesus. P au l looked straig h t a t th is wicked man and told him how very wicked he was, and th a t h e be­ longed to Satan, th e wicked being who always trie s to get people to do the wrong things, and th a t because he had been so wicked he would be blind for a few days. When th e g rea t man of the city who had listened to P au l saw th is be believed on Jesus. We see how faith fu l P au l was to tell everybody about Jesus, and now he and his friends g et into th e boat and go to ano th er city across the sea (P erg a of Pam phylia). We will not have tim e to go any fu rth e r w ith P au l th is morning, b u t if you would like we will go on to some of ¿he o th er places w ith him next Sunda 7 . (Would suggest continuing th is m is­ sionary journey next week, as th ere are five Sundays, and th is is b etter th a n a review Sunday.) Now I wonder how we boys and girls can help everybody to know and love Jesus? Do you suppose th e re are any boys and girls th a t live n ear us th a t do no t go to Sunday School, or some th a t we meet a t school? Yes, I am sure th ere are quite a number and now afte r we learn our memory verse I

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